Knock knock

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Lexi POV

I pull my warm bed comforter off my body and step on to the cold brown carpet of my bedroom. I rub my face and stand on my shaky thin legs. 'Bang, Bang!' someone knocks on my bed room door. "Alright don't get you're panties in a twist!" I pull a large t-shirt over my cold naked body. I open the door and to see my mother. "You disgust me" I feel a stinging burn on the side of my face followed by the crack sound of her hand hitting my face.

I jump awake and sit straight in bed in the darkness. I pull my legs into my chest as warm tears fall from my eyes lids. There's another knock at my door. I stand placing my cold feet on the carpet one by one. I pull a tshirt on. I lay my ear on the door, salty tears fall from my eyes to my chin. "Wh-who's there", I bite my bottom lip a bit too hard and taste copper. "I need to talk to you. Right now", Aunt Linda states firmly. I must be in trouble, I grab my phone off the nightstand next to my bed I look at the time, 1:30. What could she possibly want this early in the morning.

I went to the bathroom in my room and washed my face with cold water, filling my cupped hands with cold tap water and rubbing it on my face. I stare at the blue eyed girl in the mirror. My eyes are puffy my hair is in an Asian bun with loose strands falling on my face, some sticking straight up. I smooth back my free strands of hair. I try to smile at myself but I can't. I look awful.

I drag my heavy feet down the stairs to find out what the hell Aunt Linda wants this late. Or should I say early. I walk into the living room to see a red faced Ember and a steaming angry aunt, I can almost see the smoke coming out of her ears.

"Care to explain yourself?" Aunt Linda raises her eyebrow as she frowns sitting in the recliner chair shaking her leg with her arms wrapped tightly around her robe.

"She let me do it, and" I was cut off by Aunt Linda.

"Lexi you aren't in California anymore, things like this aren't okay. I know back home your parents let you roam free and do whatever you want but not here. Apologize to your cousin"

She stands in her slide slippers pointing to Ember whose standing awkwardly with her face still red from crying, her hair is loose and wild falling down her back, it actually looks pretty good. She's such a whiny little bitch!

I scowl at Ember before I speak "I am so, sorry Ember for ruining your boring hair" I spit dripping with sarcasm.

With that I turn and march upstairs to my room. I don't slam the door, in fact I close it quietly as possible. I already disrespected Ember and Aunt Linda once I don't want to push my luck and get kicked out. I leave my light off and grab my lit phone it's 2:00 now. I am in no mood to go back to sleep. I go to my bathroom and twist the knob on the shower head. I strip my clothes to prepare for a shower.

Lianna POV

My date with Bryce was great! I guess, we spent most of the time discussing the new football season at our school, which he'll be the quater back of. I thought we where going to have a cute picinic at the lake, but we just met there instead he brought his car anf took me to a fancy resturaunt and insisted on paying. I didn't feel comfortable letting him pay for me but I didn't want to argue about it. At the end of the date he kissed me on the cheek, and I smiled pretending I was satifiead.

I was a good date, it just didn't live up to my expectations. Tomorrow I'm supposed to be going over to Bryce's house to hang out. I don't know why but I can't stop thinking aboit how seeing Lexi naked made me feel. I felt butterflies in my stomach and couldn't take my eyes off of her. I thought Bryce was pure perfection. Until I met Lexi.

I check the time on my watch 8:30. I want to see her again for some reason. Maybe to remind myselfl of how rude she is and that she is not to be befriended. I'll also check on the 'Ember blue hair' situation. Ember texted me around 1:00 AM that her mom found out somehow. I look in my parents bedroom and only my mom's in bed. Dad's been gone a lot lately. I leave a note eplaining where I've gone. Before making the walk to Ember's house.

Lexi POV

I sit on my bed and write in my journal about the day's event's. I feel my stomach grumble so I go down stairs and get a cold slice of pizza. I hear a familiar voice in the living room. I peak through around the corner to see it's Lianna . Ember's friend, she's wearing a large sweatshirt with a flower with black leggings and her hair is wild and curly, unlike the first time I saw her when her hair was bone straight. I like this look on her much better, I haven't noticed how pretty she is until now.

She speaks to Ember and listens to her complain about her precious hair, you can tell she isn't truly listening to her. She's standing in front of her but her eyes are looking everywhere but her. I don't blame her Emmy, is a total bitch.

I finally decide to make my presence known I enter and wave my unfinished slice of pizza at Lianna as my own way of saying hello. "Hey Lia", I smile at her as I plop down on the couch and reach the remote in front of me on the coffee table. Force don't fail me now. Lia hands me the remote before I knew she even saw me struggling. "Thanks princess" she nods and whispers your welcome.

"You don't have to cater to Jezebel, and don't call her Lia!" Ember snaps.

"It doesn't seem to bother Lia now does it?" I look at Lianna for her approval.

"Um, I don't mind" she says while playing with one of her curls. She stretches it out as it bounces back to it's original state, adorable.

"Whatever" Ember waves me off and turns back to Lia her blue locks swinging as she turns her head. Emmy sit's on the couch and pat's the seat next to her suggesting for Lia to sit and she does. Together we watch "Friends". I finish my pizza as Ember and Lianna go on about some kid named Bryce.

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