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You wake up and get ready as usual,you feed Mr.Grumpy and exit your apartment.

You walk into the cafe to see your boss standing there looking at you angrily.

You stop and look at her confused.

She opens her mouth and says.

"You did it didn't you."


You say back confused.

"You killed her."

Your eyes widen.

"Why would I do that?!?!"

"Because you hate her."

You huff at her.

"Even if I did I would never do such a thing!"

"Your lying"

"No I'm no-"

You feel a hand punch your lower jaw,you stumble back and cup your face.

"Your fired."

Your fear starts to rise.


"Your fired!"

She pushes you out of the cafe,and you fall to your knees,you stayed there shocked.

You feel a hand touch your shoulder.

You look up to see Kiri.


You say with a small smile.

"Hey..what are you doing out here on the floor?"

You don't answer back,he looks at your hand that's covering your side jaw,he says.

"Why are you covering your face."

You don't reply so he slowly takes your hand off,his eyes widen.

"Who did this to you?"

You sigh.

"My boss"

He looked down not showing his face,he looks up and says.

"How about we go to your house and heal that bruise? Then afterwards we could watch something"

You smile and nod,he follows you to your place,when you make it to the front of your door you freeze.

"My place isn't so homie and uh..I don't really have anything in the fridge so how about you go in and I'll do a quick run to the shop?"

You say with a small smile.

"No I'll go,you should sit and rest your probably tired from all the drama."

You look down and say.

"Well if your going here's some mo-"

As you were about to take out your wallet he stops your hand.

"It's okay,please all I want is for you to rest"

You nod and walk in,you leave the door open for when he comes in,and go take a quick shower.

You walk out of the bathroom with a tiny towel on your head,you see Kiri there on the couch with Mr.Grumpy.

He looks at you blushing and you raise a eyebrow confused,you look down and see you only have a towel around you,you eep in surprise,and run to your room.

You change into your pjs and walk to the living room.

"Sorry I forgot I left the door open-"

"It's fine"

He looks at your bruise and opens a safety kit,you close your eyes while he rubs some numb lotion to stop the pain,until he stops and just holds your face.

You open your eyes and see him smiling at you,you smile back blushing a little.

While you guys were clicking channels you see the news once again.

"Another girl that also worked in the same cafe is now found dead,and we still haven't found the killer,remember to stay safe,and stay inside"

Your eyes widen again,you look at Kirishima who didn't look that surprised.

"Can you believe that?"

You say.

"Yeah..but I mean...she deserves it"

You look at him surprised.

"Yeah but even tho they were mean they had a family"

He looks at you without smiling for once and says.

"You care about them?"

You look away and say

"Honestly I'm glad I don't have to deal with them but i needed the job,now me and Mr.Grumpy are probably going to be strays"

Mr.Grumpy looks at you with a worried look.

"Aw don't worry Mr.Grumpy...I'll give you to a better owner...hey about that."

You say looking at Kiri.

"Do you mind having a pet?"

He looks at Mr.Grumpy and smiles.

"I do,but I'm sure you'll get a job you don't need to give hi-"

You cut him off

"Well I want you to have him,he deserves better,please for me?"

You say looking at him worriedly.

He sighs and says.

"If it makes you happy.."

You smile and look down.

"It will."

After the movie was over

You get all of Mr.Grumpy's things and give it to Kiri,he places them in his car,you get Mr.Grumpy who was in his cage and give him to Kiri.

You smile at Mr.Grumpy,Kiri puts him in his car and closes the door (don't worry the car is on so he can beatheeee)

Kiri grabs your arm and says.

"Tomorrow will be a better day..I promise"

He says giving you one last look before getting in his car,you wave at him while he drives off.

You go to your apartment and cry in your bed hugging your pillow tightly.

I guess it wasn't the last day...something bad would happen

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