Chapter Four: Slave Auction

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Claide was in his room thinking. He wanted to go see Sebastian but he wouldn't know what to say if he does. Today Claude had a busy day but Claude had a secret. Something only he would know. He went to a place called: Auction For Slaves. He knew exactly why he was there. As Claude was enjoying himself and drinking beverages, someone came and took him away. They thought he was a slave so they put him up for an auction. He was going to be sold in five hours. Claude woke up in a place he didn't recognize and he saw that he was chained to a wall. Person: "I've been waiting for this Claude Faustus". Claude: "who are you? And what do you want?". Person: "money of course". Claude: "what are you talking about?". Person: "You'll know when the time comes but oh, I think I'll have some fun with you Claude". Claude looked a bit scared but he couldn't get free. The chains wouldn't brake. He knew these chains weren't regular chains, they were chains strong enough to hold a demon such as himself. Claude didn't know what to do, all he could do was wait for someone to come and rescue him.

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