Panic in paradise

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~Aizawa POV~
I was staring in awe as one of the strongest, bravest, and most confident students I've ever had sitting in the fetal position shaking violently, crying, and screaming to stay away and not hurt him. I'm so confused but I need to take action and help my problem child with this, I rush over to the scene when



Bakugou Katsuki just aimed an explosion at me and missed...? He never misses when he's aiming at someone, ask Midoryia. Bakugou has him in recovery girl's office twice in two hours. But nevermind that I need to focus. I erase Bakugou's quirk and and secure his hands and feet with my capture weapon. But this only seems to make the matter worse. "N-NO!! PLEASE PLEASE PL-EASE!! NOT AGAIN PLEASE!!!!"  He screams and kicks and thrashes like I'm about to hurt him? What happened to you kid...?

~Bakugou POV~
This can't happen again...! No! I won't let it! B-but I cant use my quirk and now I can't move all I can do I scream! The figures move closer but it seems as I no matter how much I struggle against the restraints I can't get away from them. I-is this really going to happen to me again...? I feel as if my chest is collapsing as the figure gets closer and closer. I squint my eyes shut as tight as possible and I just wait for the inevitable to happen but I hear a faint voice saying something.


I hesitantly open my eyes to see the whole class staring at me with so in their eyes and some even crying...? "Wh-what are you extras crying about?" I say trying to piece my facade back together but it seems too broken to be fixed. "And why the hell is the hobo teach got his fucking scarf around me!?! If you don't mind I'd like to use my arms please!!" It seems as if everyone is confused as much as I am. I don't know what just happened to me- one minute he was explaining the lesson for today then it's like 'that' is going to happen again and i geel like I'm drowning, now I'm back in the classroom...? What the hell is happening to me...?!

~Kaminari POV~
Katsuki bakugou. My best friend. My crush. My everything. Just looked as if our teacher pro-hero Eraserhead would hurt him... He was crying so much and he couldn't aim right. He never misses a target!! He had a major panic attack, I know what happened because I've had a few in the past because of being called useless by others outside of 1-A. It doesnt seem like he nor the others know what just happened and he suddenly snaps out of it.         "Wh-what are you extras crying about?" It seem as if he doesn't know what to do anymore.          "And why the hell is the hobo teach got his fucking scarf around me!?! If you don't mind I'd like to use my arms please!!" he has anger in his voice again but you can tell it's breaking if your looking for it.

~Third person POV~
The room goes silent as Eraserhead slowly removes his capture weapon from the boys arms and legs, disabling his quirk allowed the blonde full control over his body. Bakugou just sits there. Rubbing his wrists from the burn if the scarf and silent tears unwillingly falling down his face. His fellow heros-to-be stare in awe as the strongest person they know breaks down. Nobody seems to move, except for a certain blonde with a lightning bolt shape in his hair decides to be the first to make a move.

Hey guys!! So sorry if this chapter is kinda confusing I did this in 9th period at school and I was in a lot of pain while writing so apologizes if it's not the best of chapters. Also I have decided to make this a kamibaku story since there are a lot of todobaku, bakudeku, and kiribaku. I decided to do an underated ship. Hope you all like it and I'll see you in the next update! This is Squishy-senpai signing off!! <3

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