01: Five Witches

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Hetalia // Soul Eater AU

            Eleanora was running as fast as her smooth, long legs would take her. She was running away, her friends Alice and Vladia, and her little sister Emily, and Vladia’s little sister Colette in tow. To be quite blunt, they were a group of witches—witches who had to tell the meisters and weapons at the DWMA what was coming, because they would some magic in order to defeat the threat.

            “Nora, when can we rest?” Alice asked panting. They had put their souls on a pause, not wanting any meisters to sense their soul wavelength and try to obtain their souls. They couldn’t use magic to escape; the other witches would sense it. Nora was carrying her little sister, the one she was trying to protect from the whole thing. Alice in turn had her two pistols Eliza and Peter, while Vladia only had her pet bat, saying she was a weapon-less witch-meister. Colette was pressed to her side, a simple spell that was easy to suppress.

            Yes—the five witches did indeed have weapon and meister blood flowing through their veins. Nora herself was a large axe, while Alice, Colette and Vladia were meisters. Emily was also a weapon, a spear, but she didn’t know how to control it yet.

            Nora’s soul was compatible with almost anyone, so when needed she was Vladia’s weapon, although Nora didn’t want really to be her weapon, although they were good friends. Not only that, but she was could also work as a meister, especially since she can put up with most people.

            “Yeah, Nor! When can we take a break? I’m sure Shadow is getting tired~!” Vladia complained, her small fangs poking out of her mouth slightly. The dark bat hissed quietly, catching the attention of the four. The sun started poking out of the ground, making bright orange-pink streaks to enter the sky. Nora cursed in Norwegian, and Emily lightly smacked Nora.

            “Language, Nora.” Emily reminded softly. Nora gave a small crack of a smile, and reluctantly sighed.

            “We have no choice. We’re using magic,” Nora said, her emotionless tone making the other two experienced witches cringe, although they also had a grim look on their face.

            They released their soul lock, and summoned their animal-like powers. Emily fumbled with her puffins, Alice had some flying mint-colored bunnies take her, Vladia had gotten some bats to carry her despite the sun, Colette was still clinging to Vladia’s waist, and Nora had her magical troll fly and carry her with its large hand.

《ヘタリア: time lapse➖》

            “Hey Amelia, do you feel it?” The American asked. Although it was his second year at the DWMA, and it was only the third day since school started again he already felt strange wavelengths. His little sister shrugged, not being too able to feel much since she was a weapon. “Not really, Alfie. Although I do feel you thinking hard, since are wavelengths are compatible~!” Amelia said, her star clips shimmering in the sun.

            The bell rang, and the American duo walked into the huge school again. They were friends a group of meisters, which included Chun-Yan, Ivan, Francis and themselves.

            “What class do we have again…?” Alfred asked, fumbling for his schedule. Suddenly one of the teachers, Miss Hedervary, was franticly dialing on her phone.

            “Lord Death? We have a problem. There are witches on campus. Five of them.”

            The American duo glanced at each other for a split second, and Amelia shimmered, turning into a shotgun, gripping into Alfred’s hand perfectly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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