The First day(Leyla's First Day)

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Duggurd: don't worry guys your gonna do great

*Dugard dropping them at the school

Leyla: ok here goes nothing

*opens door*

(this is what happens on Leyla's first day)

Leyla: excuse me do you know where I can find room 15, Mrs. Robinsin

Penny: excuse me what do you want

Leyla: I want to know where room 15 is. I am Leyla, by the way,

penny: I'm penny and let's get one thing straight I am the most popular person in this school. and I am not going to help a lost student find her classroom. Just talking to you is ruining my image. 

Leyla: ok I am sorry I will go ask someone else......bye

Zoe (penny's bestie): hey penny you were kind of mean to her

Penny: I said what needed to be said, let's go

Leyla: hi *runs into classroom*

Mrs. Robinson: You're late. I will let you off with a warning

Leyla: okay so sorry

Mrs. Robinson: ok class today you will be partnering up and working on your space diagrams. NEW GIRL!

Leyla: its Leyla actually

Mrs. Robinson: who cares, you're with Tamara

*looks at Tamara sitting at her desk reading*

Leyla: she seems nice 

Teddy (boy in Leyla's class): yeah she is nice..................too nice

Leyla: hi I am Leyla I'm new

Tamara: hi I am Tamara. look I am one of the smartest kids in this class and I don't plan on failing this assignment so you better not make me fail

Leyla: oh no, I am actually pretty smart if I do say so myself.

Tamara: ha you wish, you'll never be as smart as me.

Leyla: look I think I am pretty smart and you should-

Teddy: *taps Leyla's shoulder* hey just go with it otherwise you might end up like kiki (Tamara's enemy)

Leyla: *looks at kiki sitting on the floor in the corner of the classroom* Tamara did that?

Teddy: yup, she frightens most living things, be careful

Leyla: ok by the way I never got your name

teddy: oh its teddy, I'm single let me know if you wanna hook up

Leyla: *with scared face walks away* people in this school are weird

Mrs. Robinson: Leyla I was informed that you were bullying penny in the hallway

Leyla: no she was bullying me, she probably lied to you just to get me into trouble

Mrs. Robinson: Well until I figure out which one of you is lying both of you will meet me in detention 

*the bell rings*

Leyla: oh I am sick of this school I just wanna go home 

*bumps into another person*

Axel: hey watch it


Axel: yeah I have to go, thanks to the stupid law

Leyla: I know right 

*bell rings school day is over*

Leyla: well I have to go to detention see ya.

*Walks away*

*in detention*

Mrs. Robinson: ok kids you are in detention, do your homework, and by all means, don't talk. I don't like the sound of children

Leyla: Then way take this job

Mrs. Robinson: *mumbles* for the higher pay

Leya: what was that, I couldn't hear you


Teddy: hey how was your first day, again still hot, still single, right here, for when you fall for the handsome glorious man that is..........Teddy.

Leyla: first of all my day was horrible, I made an enemy who is bullying me, got partnered up with a self-absorbed geek, my teacher hates me, bumped into my other nemesis who works with his uncle another self-absorbed geek name Magnus, didn't get to know any of my new intellectual peers, didn't make any new friends and got detention. Also, I am not gonna go out with you so stop flirting with me and you're not even a man, you just a boy, a stupid dependable lonely boy.

*1 hour later*

*bell rings

Mrs. Robinson:  you guys can go goodbye 

Leyla: Hope Dak's day went better than mine...?

 (Hint it did)

OC's presented in this chapter:

Teddy, Penny, Tamara, Zoey, Mrs. Robinson, Kiki

These people have quite the history of each other and will be included a lot in the story! :)

In the next chapter, we will get to see Dak's version of the first day of school, hope you all thought it was funny!


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