Chapter 20: A Personality Change

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When everyone had found there seats, Snape closed the door and walked to the front.

"You will notice," he said when he turned to face the class, "that we have a guest with us today." He gestured to a back corner. Everyone turned to look and saw Dolores Umbridge sitting there, clipboard propped on her knee.

Snape continued. "We are continuing with our Strengthening Solutions today. You will find your mixtures as you left them. If correctly made, they will have matured well over the weekend." He then pointed his wand to the chalkboard and the chalk began writing by itself. "Instructions are on the board."


"Percy," Annabeth whispered as they worked on their potions.

"Yeah?" He turned to look at her.

"Have you noticed that..." she cut herself off as she looked over at Ron, who was talking to Jason and Piper.

"Noticed what?"

"Um," she hesitated, not sure if she wanted to bring it up at all. "Never mind. It's nothing."

"Okay," Percy shrugged, going back to his potion.

"Salamander blood, Harry!" The two of them turned to see Hermione slap Harry's hand. "Not pomegranate juice."

That apparently got Percy's attention. He got really excited and started giggling. "Nico!" Percy turned to the boy behind him with a huge smirk. "The pomegranate seeds!"

"Oh my GODS! Percy!" Nico covered his reddening face with his hands. "I told you not to bring that up!"

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked, having heard Percy's outburst.

"Nothing, nothing," Percy snickered, shaking his head. "It's an inside joke."

"A what?" Ron asked.

"It's like a joke that only a few people understand," Piper explained to him.


"Why do I hear chatter?" Snape asked, strutting over to them.

"We were only trying to help each other, Professor." Jason said, trying hard not to glare at the oily haired man.

"Of course you were." Snape rolled his eyes, continuing his walk about the classroom.


"Now, how long have you been teaching at Hogwarts?" Umbridge asked Snape, halfway through the lesson.

"Fourteen years," Snape said, glaring at the woman in pink.

The demigods were glancing back and forth from Umbridge to Snape.

"You applied for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, I believe?" she continued.

"Yes." Snape answered quietly.

"But you were unsuccessful?"

"Uh oh," Percy whispered.

"Obviously," Snape growled, curling his lip.

"You have applied regularly for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post since you first joined the school, I believe?"

Snape rolled his eyes, turning away from Umbridge. "Yes." He said.

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