Chapter 7

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I decide to leave the big book for what it is. I've seen the house, the room is the same, but different without Sorley. And another chance to fall of a horse, I gladly decline. Perhaps I should retrieve the book about the ranch from behind my wardrobe. Lynn could probably teach me.

I briefly consider calling Isla to ask if she already left for the beach. No, there are still a few things I want to try with the books I borrowed, so after lunch I lock myself in my room again.

I eenie meenie miney moe which book I take next and put my pillow up against the wall. It can't be good for my back to sit, who knows how long, on the edge of my bed each time. I write the name of the book on the back of my hand, in the correct language and flick it open.

My destination is the bridge of a spaceship. Oh yeah, this is awesome.

The next three hours I'm having a heck of a good time following the crew of the USS Victory around. A few times I find myself standing with some futuristic equipment in my hands, doubting whether I'll take it with me. I decide not to. I'd rather not think about the trouble I'd be in if I have a laser gun in my house.

The funny thing is, after I finish the story and get back in my room, that I'm not hungry or thirsty at all. You'd think I would at least have some sort of appetite after a few hours, but my stomach feels just as filled as it did right after lunch. Not much fuller either, although I did eat with the crew from their replicator rations. Apparently I can eat what I want inside a book, without gaining weight. Dreamily I gaze in the distance. Oh the pies and strawberries I can eat without getting bothered by pimples.

'Charlie and the chocolate factory'! I jump up and dance around the room. Doesn't my mother have a copy somewhere in the attic? From the time they desperately tried to get me to read and gave me a new book almost every week. I go find it at once.

Our attic doesn't have a fixed staircase and it costs me a nail and ten minutes before I get the loft ladder down. Shivering I climb up. I don't think anyone has been here for at least five years. The spiders must be huge. Where was the string of the lamp again?

There are no spiders running around that are eight inches long. Not even four and only after searching for a few minutes, I locate a tiny one in the back. There are a lot of cobwebs, though.

On my toes I walk through the dust to the pile of boxes that have my name on them. The layer is so thick I can write in it. Blegh.

All three boxes are filled with books and it takes me a while to find 'Charlie'. It's brand new. A dyslexia issue, because, who knew, perhaps that was the reason.

I dig a little more and grab a few more books from the box. 'Alice in Wonderland', 'The secret garden' en 'The Hobbit'. The rest stays, they're all picture books anyway.

Climbing down the loft ladder is even scarier and when I'm finally on solid ground again, I exhale the breath I held. At least folding the ladder up is easy.

I do drink a glass of water before diving back into my room. Because even if my body does seem to be paused when I'm in a book, I'd rather don't get dehydrated.

Should I lock the door? No, my mother probably won't come up before dinnertime should I not respond to her calling again. Maybe I could bring my phone and set my alarm. That's a good idea. I just have to make sure not to lose it. For that I put on a jacket with a zip pocket and tuck my phone in there. Two hours till five thirty, that should be enough to investigate the chocolate factory.

Charlie takes me to the small cottage where he lives with his parents, grandfathers and grandmothers. I follow him when he buys his candy bar and console him when the golden wrapper isn't in it. When he gets the bar from his grandpa, I bite my knuckles to keep from shouting to soon and then the moment finally arrives. There are only two people allowed in on one gold wrapper, but I don't count, so I walk along with Charlie and his grandpa, following Willy Wonka.

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