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So this is my first actual chapter in this book, so i wanted to talk about something because the story is my dumb self...... so i will talk about something i did that was dumb..... Ok, so one time i was writing and my sister strolled in my room *yes i mean strolled* and i was writing but also singing because yeah and my sister walked in and she said *and i quote:* "You're a bad singer Chris" I just sat there staring at my self pity..., then last weekend i went to a 8k with my mom *8k=5miles* so we ran and i forgot to put long socks on and i have like three huge blisters on my feet.... And my mom was like "hey chris your feet look bad today, did you wear long socks?" me being like a noob i answered "no mother i did not" and she said "well why did you not?" still me being dumb "because i only came for the food......." you wanna know what she said "same" pfttttttt, i will try to write in this story every other day because why not i like to stress myself and stuff so why not... so weekends are when i go to my moms so i might not write then but the weekdays are good! Hope you all like this chapter..

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