Quidditch and Teasing (Fred Weasley Smut)

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"Woohoo! Yeah! I told ya we'd win, Maybug." The tall ginger screamed into my ear and walked into the Gryffindor common room before me. When I entered the room, it looked nothing like its usual self. The students had used an enlargement spell -much like Hermione's bag- to make the room fit the huge crowd that had formed around the fire place.

Gryffindor had won against Ravenclaw and Fred was over the moon about it as usual. I thought it was quite cute, the way it excited him when they won. I also liked it because the adrenalin from the games and their victory usually made for a very sweaty, very horny Weasley.

I had lost sight of Fred in the crowd after he had stormed away to celebrate his friends and siblings who were just as excited as he was.

"Hey, Neville! Give me one of those, yeah?" I said to the shy boy with brown hair who was holding a tray with shot glasses full of jelly liquor. He smiled at me sweetly and I took two glasses, drinking both in seconds. "Thanks, Neville." I winked at him and gave him little kiss on the cheek before making my way through the crowd. I could see him blushing harshly from the corner of my eye. He was precious.

When I found Fred again I had added a few shots of fire-whiskey to the jellies and apparently the handsome redhead hadn't wasted time getting hammered either. Drunk Fred was not much different from his usual self, except that it dialled his sexual desire up to a 100 and made him more dominant and possessive. I didn't mind that though.

The only issue was that I was feeling particularly bratty this evening. The consequences that I knew would follow made it all the more exhilarating to try and piss him off.

I had my arm draped around his waist while he had his lazily hanging over my shoulders. He was talking with some sixth-year students about the game when I noticed one of them staring at me with much more intensity -or lust- than the others. I winked at him and a smile spread across his face. "Freddie, I wanna dance" I said loudly while leaning up and breathing against his neck.

Previously completely emerged into the conversation, he was startled and looked down at me with a bit of annoyance. "Then go dance, baby, I wanna talk with the boys" He said absentmindedly. I pouted and gave his earlobe a quick bite -I could immediately see the goosebumps form on the nape of his neck- before I left his side and grabbed the sexy sixth-year's hand, dragging him to the back of the common room. Some people were dancing but most were just making out back here and that's exactly why I had chosen this spot.

Turning towards him I smiled and he grinned back. "Let's dance." I said in my most sultry voice and we basically started fucking with our clothes on. "Oh this is fun alright." He said while placing his hands on my hips to find a rhythm to our movements. As his arms started to snake down my body he squeezed my butt and leaned in to kiss me. I was about to kiss him back when...

"What the FUCK do you think you're doing, May?" The deep and dominating voice of Fred Weasley boomed behind me and the boy I had been dancing with turned a worrying shade of pale. I slowly turned around and looked up at a fuming Fred with big innocent eyes. "What do you mean, Freddie? You said you didn't wanna dance. So I asked my friend here." I pointed to the pale sixth-year next to me and after one glare from the tall ginger he had fleet the scene in a matter of seconds leaving me to fend for my own. I rolled my eyes, I had expected him to last at least a little longer.

The Weasley grabbed my wrist roughly and dragged me through the crowd that had formed around us. We ended up on the balcony, I guess he needed some air. "NEVER do something like this again!" He looked down on me with sternness but that only made it more fun.

I smiled up at him and grabbed his hands that had been gripping the railing of the balcony before. His knuckles were white because of how tightly he had gripped the railing, I hadn't expected a little dancing to make him this mad. "I'm sorry Freddie, I didn't mean to upset you." I looked up at him while biting my lip. I knew full well what that would do to him, he fucking loved it when I bit my lip.

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