Chapter 1 Pilot

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I do not own Naruto. That belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

"I'm dead", Naruto panted and blacked out.
When he woke he found himself facing an old man.
"Who are you, where am I?, He asked bombarding the old man with questions.
"I am the sage of six paths and you are dead", He stated simply.
"How??!!", Naruto exclaimed much to his displeasure.
"You were Fighting Kaguya Otsutsuki, my mother and she killed you." replied the now introduced Sage of Six paths.
"Why are you talking to me now then?" Naruto Questioned.
"I have decided to let you have a second chance(@adventofshadows on"
Before Naruto could reply a blinding light hit his eyes and he found himself in the hospital in Konoha.
As soon as he opened his eyes he was greeted by the 3rd Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi.
"Greetings Lord Hokage", Naruto greeted the 3rd Hokage.
"Hello, now I would like to know who you are and how you got inside the village without being detected.
"I am Naruto Uzumaki and I honestly don't know."
"How do I know that you aren't lying"
"You could Have my mind read right here"
"I wouldn't do that, but I will let you free and you have 2 options. Leave or become a shinobi of this village. If you choose to become a shinobi of this village you will be tested against our top chunin. He will determine your rank. You will also be on probation for 6 months being limited to C Rank mission, and I will have you watched for your first 3 months." Sarutobi explained
"I will become a shinobi of this village." Naruto said
"Good now I would like to talk to you in my office so follow me." And the old Hokage left without even checking if Naruto was following.

Time Skip 15 Mins

Naruto and Kushina were seated across from Hiruzen.
"No we did a blood test and Naruto is Indeed an Uzumaki. My best guess is that one of his parents had blonde hair.
"That's right ", Naruto Said to the 2 of them.
"Well Naruto, now that you are here I can say that you are actually of the Uzumaki clan and for that you will be living with Kushina for the next 6 months. Well now we are going to have you tested Naruto. Kushina you may come along.", Sarutobi said calmly

PM me and tell me if you want me to do battle scenes?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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