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A bright light flashed outside of UA academy students heads swiveled towards the origin of the light. the ones near the light shielding their eyes as Ushina stumbled out and fell. Her hair a mix of bead head and a bad hair day. Her clothes disheveled and lightly smoking.

She started to prop herself up on her elbow and started to look around, her whole body shaking out of confusion and fear.

As she slowly stood up she pulled her hoodie back onto her shoulder, starting to feel quite queasy as she noticed everyone's eyes on her. Some whispering behind their hands, some just in shock.

As the adrenaline started to wear off she noticed extreme pain in her right leg and limped over to the wall of the UA entrance. As most students started to go slowly back to what they were doing just in hushed tones.

Propping her back onto the concrete wall and sliding down until she was in a seated position. She pulled out her phone and checked the time
3:45 august 31
Fifteen minutes after she left home, so why was everything different? There wasn't a school on the hill? Who is everyone? She's never seen them before, and why did that one have a bird head?

She put her phone in her lap and cradled her head in her hands. What happened? She looked up and looked towards the forest... or at least where the forest should be it was just more city. Musutafu wasn't a city? It was a small town.

The wind started to pick up a little bit as she tried her hardest not to cry. And just as her tears threatened to spill over she heard footsteps coming toward her.

She quickly wiped them away and looked up and the person jogging towards her. He had a head full of dark green hair and kind green eyes.

"Hey are you alright? That looked like quite the fall there!" He asked as he offered a hand to help her up. As she took it she replied

"Y-yeah I think I'm ok..." she paused to sniff and wipe her nose on her hoodie " is there an authority figure I can talk to or something? I think I'm lost" she tried her best to take her weight off of her right leg.

"Yeah, I can take you to principal Nezu he might be able to help you! I'm Izuku Midoria by the way!" He held out his hand for her to shake. As she took it she meekly replied

"I'm Ushina Toraberu, nice to meet you Midoria." He nodded and started to lead her into the school as she limped behind him.

"So Toraberu, was that your quirk just then? When you appeared out of no where? Wow it must be so cool to teleport wherever you want. Was that training to see how far you can teleport to?" He he excitedly asked as he helped her up the steps.

"What's a quirk?"

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