chapter 1

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It was another day on set for the S5 crossover and grant was happy to be working with his close friends Steven armell and melissa benoist. The cast were told it was going to be an interesting one. soon it was about to shoot.

After grant got ready he met up with Danielle for a chat before it was time to shoot.

"Hey Grant how you doing?" said danielle.
"Yeah I'm good how's you and Hayes doing?"
"Not well I've noticed for a few months now he's been ignoring and distant to me. Everytime I try to snuggle with him in bed he turns the other way I don't know whats with him. He must be hiding something but I don't know what. How's u and LA?"
"Its been kinda the same with me something is off with her and I'm going to find out. How bout we try to find out together what our partners are hiding."
"Thats a good idea be alot quicker like that. Anyway let's have a look at the script."

As they were reading the script they found out barry and oliver were swapping lives. As Grant was reading it something caught his attention. In the part where barry and oliver were getting checked up in star labs iris was all over barry(armell) and body shaming the real barry grant spoke up.

"Hey Danielle you read the script this part here. Danielle looked over at the script and said "Wow that ain't right if that happened in real life i would have a serious conversation."
"See i know its because of the whole body swap thing but in the sense its not aswell because in S1 she said to barry she has a 3 list of people she's aloud to cheat on in a relationship with someone. Plus she body shamed my character. I mean I know that it was on script but it still hurt me cause I know Steven is alot bigger than me." Grant says bit upset being reminded of that.
"Yeah I see what your getting at and in my opinion I prefer your body over his. Im not really attracted to men who are really big and musclly." She said biting her lower lip.
"Really everyone fangirls over his body." He said a bit shocked.
"Not me I've just never been to attracted to bodies like that." She said.
"You know im getting really tired of this westallen storyline aswell, I mean their relationship is so bad and boring its always been arguments putting barry down doesn't fully support him. I mean we don't even have anything in common. Whereas barry and caitlin has shared losses of family and friends she is always there for him to give advice patch him up support and believe in him the storyline for them makes much more sense don't you think."
"Yeah I thought the exact same thing aswell knowing it would boost ratings. We also know that they do have feeling for eachother aswell. I've always been a snowbarry shipper."
"Same here so shall we pitch it to the writers we have to be quick though because filming starts in 15 minutes."

After Grant and Danielle pitched the idea and explained it the writers agreed. They got out the office and started to shoot the first episode of the crossover.

Once the first crossover was finished Grant and Danielle went to grab a coffee.
"Hey would you want to come back to my new house i just bought it the other week?" Grant asked.
"Yeah I would love to ill follow you."

After a 15 minute drive they got to Grants house.
"Wow Grant this is a really nice house." Danielle complemented. As they walked in she was very impressed with it.
"Just put your bag in the corner im just going to go check on LA and tell her your here." He stated.

As Grant was walking up the stairs he heard a noise it sounded like two people. Curious Grant opened to see LA and...Hayes.
he shouted.
"Babe I can explain." LA said.
"Dont babe me we are done!" He said tears streaming down his face.
Danielle heard shouting upstairs so went to see what was going on. When she got there her eyes went wide.
"Hayes what the fuck are you doing this is why you have been distant to me because uve been sleeping with my best friends fiance." She said now tears coming out of hers.
"How long has this been going on the truth." Grant managed to say after a while.
"About 7 months." LA stated.
"get out of my house both of you."
"What?" She says.
"I SAID GET OUT OF MY HOUSE WE ARE DONE! I want the ring back aswell." She took off the ring and left.
"How could you do this to me Hayes after everything we've been through what about are vows did u not mean them?" She said.
"Look im sorry but I'm not really into you for a while now and LA said the same about Grant here so we met up for coffee and it happened." Hayes explained.
"Get out of my sight I don't ever want to see your face again and I'm filing for a divorce." Hayes just nodded and drove off in her car with LA. "He just took off in my car." She said angrily.

After all that Danielle was on Grants sofa crying while he was comforting her
They pulled eachother in a tight hug crying on eachothers shoulders.
"I can't believe he did that to me after everything we've been through now because of him I feel worthless and insecure and will never find love." Danielle spoke after a couple minutes.

Grant pulled away and wiped his tears and said "your not worthless your one of the strongest people I know, your smart,kind,caring and beautiful. All he did was show his true self the same with LA, and of course you'll find love you are such a lovable person one of the many reasons I love working with you. Look I know we are both hurting but all we can do now is try to move forward with our lives, yes its gunna hurt for a while but if we help eachother it should be a lot easier. Grant stated truth dripping out every word he says.
"You really think that and your right we can't dwell on the past and we will help eachother get better. Speaking of which could I stay here for a while I don't want to go back there and could you come with me to file for the divorce aswell im going to need the support." She said feeling a little better now.
"Of course you can stay, your my best friend Danielle you know ill support you with anything we can go tomorrow."
"Thank you Grant your the best. I'm gunna go to bed, oh do you have anything for me to wear."
"Yeah there's a t shirt and bottoms on my bed you can use that." She walked up to him thanked him and gave him a hug but unexpected to Grant she placed a quick kiss on his lips.
"Danielle what was that for?" He said quite confused right now.
"It was a thank you for everything you have done for me. I'm going to get some sleep now night Grant."
"Night Danielle."

Not long after Danielle went he he did to both thinking about the kiss that just happened.

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