eric falls in love

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Eric had plans to hang out in the bar with his friend, Vagan. both rarely goes to the bar, nor does eric drink, but he needed to spend some quality time with his friend. on the way off to the bar, it was getting late and he was planning to meet Vagan outside the entrance. 

"hi, Vagan!" Eric said as he neared his friend, who was standing outside of the bar. 

"why are you so late?" vagan asked. "I've been waiting for ages!"

 "oh the taxi was late, as always." eric replied. the two entered the bar to find it wasn't that crowded; dimly lit by the small lights, and the bartender was some tall fluffy guy with brown hair, grey fur, and a crazy amount of piercings. after walking in, eric could find his eyes drifting to somebody in the corner. a well built, tall, quiet guy with orange and yellow fur, a fine pure white sweater, a streak of red in his hair, and somewhat large ear gauges. he was sitting in one of the booths by himself; barely drinking his drink. eric tapped vagan on the shoulder to get his attention. "vagan, look." eric pointed to the guy in the corner, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"what? what about him?"

"there's something about him, and i can't look away.." 

"go talk to him then"

"talk to him?!? are you crazy?!!"

"im not the one whos attracted to someone they've never met. im gonna go try to talk to the bartender, ill be back." as vagan stepped away from the conversation to go converse with the bartender, eric was stuck by himself and his thoughts. 

"maybe if i keep my distance he'll get out of my mind. its worked before it was to work again! hopefully," eric thought to himself. "yeah no this is a bad idea i should talk to him before he leaves." he sat down to gain the courage but as he was doing that the guy in the corner got up, paid at the counter, and left. "you've gotta be kidding me." in a desperate attempt to talk to the guy, eric made sure vagan wasn't paying attention and left the bar. he followed the guy he had his eyes on and made sure to keep a safe distance. he tried to make as little noise as possible to make sure he wouldn't get hit by the guy or something. "ok eric keep your cool. there'll be a chance soon enough!! just don't drift too far like you did the last time this happened and it'll be ok." sure enough the guy turned around clearly acknowledging erics presence.

"may i help you?!" he asked, visibly furious.

"NO HE HAS AN ENGLISH ACCENT TOO??? OH NO THIS IS HARDER THAN I THOUGHT OH GOD-" no thought could save eric now. "i, uh, wanted to know if, uh, you're n-new to the place??" he was trying his best. "NO WHAT AM I DOING DAMNIT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-"

"are you trying to make conversation or? im not sure where you're trying to get with this" the guy said as he started to walk away.

"waitwaitwait hang on!! i saw you in the bar a few minutes ago and saw you might need somebody to talk to? you looked lonely a-and i thought," eric stammered quite a bit, "you need some company?? if that doesn't sound too weird or concerning." "wow im dumb what is going on"

"i mean you got a point there that's for sure. ok fine we'll talk but there's nothing more from there." 

"oh! uh, cool!" "wow that worked??"

the two were walking for a good distance. mainly about small topics or what they do. they clearly liked the conversation, even if they were strangers. it was clear this was meant to be a one-time occurrence for the two to never see or care again, but that didn't matter to eric. he just wanted to be with somebody for a while. 

"so I've not gotten your name yet, haven't i?"

"oh! its eric. sorry for not mentioning it earlier. whats yours?" 


"that's a nice name!"

"thanks i got it for my birthday"

"oh god bahaha" it was obvious they liked each other, no doubts about it. "so do you live around here? you never answered it when i asked." 

"oh no im not from here. im only here because my brother needed help with something i could care less about honestly." 

"oh" erics feelings for pogo were growing stronger by the minute, despite the very small conversation.

"y'know, I've never had a good talk or conversation like this in awhile. you're interesting, i like that." eric smiled, this was the farthest he'd ever gotten with a friendship like this. maybe it could go further?? "well i should go, my hotel is around the corner, and i should be getting ready to leave tomorrow."

"leaving tomorrow?!? nono we could probably talk in your room!! its not too late at night!!" it was literally 11 pm. what

"sure why not," pogo sighed, "i like your personality anyway."

entering the hotel room, there was nothing too much to expect. clean room, a made bed, and a small bag with the essentials for one day. "not much here, but make yourself at home for awhile." both of them sat down on the bed and began talking. 

"so what was the thing your brother wanted to see you about?" 

"his husband's mother was killed earlier this month and wanted to try to help him calm down since i got over the death of our parents faster than my brother. it's safe to say that his husband absolutely hates my guts and never wants to see me again, who would've thunk."

"oh. what a way to set the mood for this conversation." the two laughed it off, trying to get a new topic rolling. but in the middle of the conversation, the god-awful thoughts eric had hoped not to get were soon coming back. 

"im in the same room as this guy i find very attractive. oh no. i guess the most i can hope is i don't make this weird. oh god this is hard.

"so have you ever been to any clubs, eric?"

"why was this the first question he asks in here oh god" eric hesitated "yeah, a few times."

"that's nice. ever gotten laid at any?"

"SNJSANAUSNADUSNDUWAENI WHAT ARE HIS MOTIVES???" eric tried to find his words, "y-yeah?? your point being??"

at this point, eric was internally screaming. pogo laughed a bit before saying,

"hows about a deal? i give $20 so you can do what you want to me, its obvious you want to, and to be fair i want to too. or we could just do it for free, its up to you." 

"well if we do it for free it's more fair to the both of us."

there was a grin on eric's face, and lust in both of their eyes. they knew what was about to go down.

pogo bruinswick x eric kare //   fanfiction/smutWhere stories live. Discover now