Dream of the night with a blood red moon

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Before we begin, English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry for any mistakes you will find, and Legosi will have red eyes, because i just thought it looked cool

That evening, as in one of the most widely used fictional cliches, it was raining.

The smell of rain and wetness, mixed with the smog and pollution of the city, was so strong that it made me sick.

The streets, the cars, the buildings, every single thing left outside, was covered by a thin veil of water that rested gently on it, like a feather falling to the ground, lulled by the wind.

Without an umbrella, my clothes were almost completely soaked with water.

I was running, exhausted and cold through the streets of that suburban neighborhood.

Luckily, the shirt I was wearing would have been enough to keep me rather dry.

Splish, splash... splish splash...

At a regular rhythm, my footsteps beat on the wet ground. A sound that only I could hear, and that for the others simply went unnoticed, due to the impetuous roar of mother nature's tears that violently, crashed to the ground .

How did I get to that situation? What course of events had led me to where I was now? Running in the rain to see someone like that.

«See you tonight, same place, same time. You know what happens if I don't find you there» he's always been a charm with words.

It all started almost a year ago: I did not know what I should have expected in that school, nor could I have imagined, but not even remotely, what would happen in the following months.

I have no idea how I got to be an actor for the drama club, nor who the idea was.
Whoever you are, I swear I just want to talk.

That tragic evening I was in my dorm, ready to go to the dream world, when all of the sudden, someone knocked at my door.
With a rather annoyed sigh, I got out of bed and went to open the door.

I met the gaze of a certain red deer. Beside him, a wolf with gray fur and red eyes, towered over us.
The way he looked at me. his eyes on me felt like someone was wrapping my entire body with barbed wire.

What were those two doing at my door so late? The deer began to apologize for coming to my room at such a late hour; but before he could say anything else, the wolf spoke harshly, as if he wanted to give orders: «Louis it's almost midnight. Just tell him what you need.»

Due to the recent incident, in which one of the actors was murdered, the drama club was in need of a replacement, and of course, they came to me «Why you? well you see, you stand out enough to be one of us» at least that's what they said, only God knows what that means; but as the only human in Cherryton Academy, I couldn't expect less.

With that they handed me a script, with a post-it on it, in which a time and date were written; did they really expect me to learn all this by the deadline? Without even having a clue on how acting works? But I didn't have time to think about it: the next day I had an alarm at 6 am.

Later, I realized that what was offered to me was not a choice at all, but a thing i was forced to do.

But after all I just had to learn a few lines, no big deal, give me my time and I learn the lines and the movements.
But apparently, Louis disagreed, as he forced me to practice with him, every single day.

The hours spent rehearsing the same scenes, until he was satisfied, and the days spent saying certain sentences in a certain way, were, in a word, excruciating.

Yandere Legosi x gender Neutral reader oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now