(*) The First Day Of Training (*)

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*Caesars P. O. V*

A few days ago I got introduced too someone who went by the name of Joseph Joestar, this person was annoying and I wish i had never met them but oh well what happens happens, Caesar thought to himself. "I really don't want to train with such a moron! He has no brain cells left I  swear!" I thought out aloud, I quickly covered my mouth "oops" I whisper to myself.

[ 5mins later]

[ Caesars P. O. V]

I started to drift off until I heard a loud knock on my door I quickly got up to answer it "Who is it?", I asked in a tierd tone "It's Lisa Lisa, you were supposed to meet me and joseph outside for some night time training, hurry up and get ready so we can start" she sounded a little angry so I quickly got up and started to get ready, I got my clothes on and brushed my hair so it would look at least half decent.

I headed on out and saw two shadows, I could make out who there were, it was Lisa Lisa and Joseph. "It took you long enough!" joseph shouted with a whiney tone, "ugh shut up your annoying" I growled, but that didn't stop him. Joseph continued too whine until we finally reached our training grounds. "you two will be having a little hamon battle here, I will supervise you so you guys don't get hurt, I will stop the battle if anyone gets hurt", "okay!" joseph and I shouted and started to get into our battle positions. "ya ready shiza-chan~" joseph said with a cocky voice, "don't ever call me that again" , I started my hamon breathing and started to attack, I used my bubble launcher first to try slow him down but failed dramatically, its like he purposely went into my attack, like he was setting something up.

[ Joseph's P. O. V]

I knew Caesar was going to use that attack first! Now to think of a plan..... I'll go into his bubble attack and pretend that it hit me but I'll be setting up a trap with sting soaked in vegetable oil, Im happy i have it on me phew.

I started to go with my plan but I had a feeling Caesar knew what I was doing so I became more careful, "Why aren't you attacking Joseph?" Caesar asked, I gave him a dirty look and carryed on... and finally the trap was placed now the only thing to do was get him where I want him.

I took out my volley clackers and started to charge them with hamon and I threw them at him, of course he doged but little did he know they would come straight back to me. "is that really all you've got Joseph?" Caesar asked, I could tell he sounded disappointed "you shouldnt have let your guard down shiza-chan" I smiled at him and he looked at me confused "what do you mea-" he got cut off by my volley clackers hitting him on the back of his head, "Ow that hurt, your lucky I had my guard down joseph, that wouldn't have hit If i had my guard up!" Ceasar shouted.

I grinned to myself "finally I have you where I want you" I whispered under my breath. The impact from the volley clackers made him move a little bit forward which was the direction I was hoping he would go in, "finally I've got you", I charged the vegetable oil soaked string with hamon and it shot up wrapping around caesar giving him a big hamon shock. "looks like I win this time bubble boy" I said "you might have won this time but you won't win next time!!" he shouted to me, I felt proud of myself for winning but now to help Caesar out of that trap, "ya need help shiza?" I asked, "that would be good, thanks". I started to break the string and slowly started releasing caesar, then I felt a little shock "Shiza-chan the battles over there's no point in attacking me now" I said with a grin, "ill wipe that stupid grin of your face next time"

I was almost finished getting him unstuck until it reached his legs, I tryed to help him break them but he pushed me away "d-don't!! I can do it myself" he said, I could have sworen I saw him turn a little red, he was probably just embarrassed "okay shiza-chan I'll leave you to it". I started to walk to my room and bumped into Lisa Lisa in the hall, "Oh hello there coach" I said with a cheery tone, "hello Joseph, wheres caesar?", "He's still outside getting unstuck, I helped him out but he said he could do the rest himself so I left". Lisa Lisa nodded and carryed on down the hall, I sighed and continued my way down the hall. I finally reached my room and flopped on my bed and buried my head into my pillow "uggggghhh! That was tough but Im happy I beat such a strong guy, I only won because he had his guard down" I sighed in relief and slowly drifted off too sleep

*Thank you all for reading my first chapter!!! This is my second attempt of writing a book and I think it went well, I'll be wrighting more soon so stay tunned :D and sorry the chapter was short lol I'm stuck on sizes*

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