(*) Night Time (*)

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[ Caesars P. O. V]

I woke up in my bedroom and looked around the room, this wasn't my room. I started to get up as I heard a noise from underneath me..... It was joseph!? Why was I in here and why was joseph here?!
"Caesarino? Are you okay, you seem shocked, did you have a nightmare?"
I was confused, what was going on? Then it happened, Joseph kissed me, passionately, I was shocked at first then kissed back. I was so happy that he kissed me, it was like a dream come true.

"Are you ready to sleep again my dear Caesarino?" Joseph asked with such a sweet voice, I could help but blush and nod my head and we both slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up in my room and in my bed with no joseph there, "Don't tell me that was all a dream!" I whisper shouted, "what was all a dream?" I heard a familiar voice say,"Suzie?","Its me caesar, Lisa Lisa asked me to get you for a important conversation, Joseph is already down there so hurry and get ready" She smiled and exited the room, "I wonder what this is about".

I made my way downstairs, still thinking about that dream I had, I made it to the dining room and sat at the table with Lisa Lisa and joseph
"It's about time you came down!! What's with you being so late! Its so unlike you!" Joseph shouted, he seemed to be in a bad mood so I sat there quietly, blushing over that dream I had, I could barely look at him the same as I used too, "What's wrong Caesar? Are you feeling sick? Do you want to go back to your room?" asked Lisa Lisa, I was wondering why she asked, "What do you mea-", "Your all red Caesar! How could you not notice" Joseph snickered, I blushed a darker red and covered my face, "He is so cute when he giggles like that" I whispered under my breath, "What was that Caesarino?" Joseph asked grinning like a idiot, "oh it was no-nothing" I mumbled while heading up to my room to rest.

[ Joseph's P. O. V.]

"He was acting strange, do you think he will be alright?" I asked Lisa Lisa, "I think he will be just fine, but could you go to him and say that you two have a day off from training? You've worked so hard so I want you to have a day off" said Lisa Lisa, I could already feel my self smiling, "On it!".

I ran to caesars room, I ran straight into the room, "Hey Caesar guess what!!!", "Joseph!! G-get out!!! I'm ge-getting changed!!" Caesar shouted, I looked at him only to see him in boxers, I looked away blushing a dark red, "Oh my god, I'm soooo sorry caesar", "it's fine just knock next time, what was it that you wanted anyway?" Asked caesar "We have a day off! Lisa Lisa said we can have a day off because we worked so hard!" I squealed, I just heard caesar laugh, "ill be out in a minute, we could go do something if you want?" Caesar asked me, Of course I accepted! I wouldn't give up a opportunity like that.

I waited patiently for caesar to come down stairs, he was taking for ever! Why is he so slow. "Joseph I'm ready" I heard someone say, I looked up and It was caesar, "Finally! Let's go!" I shouted as we walked out the door.

*Sorry for leaving you guys on a cliff hanger and I'm sorry for not posting for a while, I need to catch up with school work and stuff so I'm not online much, I'll try to post more often*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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