chapter 5 shopping day <3

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back and ready to write some more!( Sorry havent beem lately 🤧)

Jades pov:
Drake , Zach , Alex , and I were driving in the city bus to the mall rn and of course Zach and Alex put me and Drake right beside eachother.
Drake : " what are you gonna get from the mall?"
Jade : " Idk probably some snacks and just some clothing stuff like that"
Drake : " oh anyways why are Alex and Zach looking at us weirdly?"
I started blushing when I looked over at them and saw how they were looking at us
Jade : " oh idk there just being weridos"
Drake : "yeah"
As we arrived to the mall we waited for the people to get off the bus before we could. It then got clear fast and we all got off the bus heading towards the mall.
Alex : "hey look over there!"
Zach : " woah what is that"
We all saw this amazing place with everything you could dream of! Food , clothing , candy it was like everything in one store! So we all ran in and started buying stuff, looking around, until I found a beautiful necklace. I don't usually where necklaces but this was beautiful!! I had looked at the tag to see it said - $230 - $230?! I I thought why so much! But as I thought it was gorgeous and I new I would wear it. I went up to Alex and asked for her opinion
Jade : " Alex! I need your opinion should I get this necklace for $230?"
Alex : " it looks like it would suit you so sure!"
Jade : " but it costs a lot dont you think?"
Alex : " it's ok! Just as long as you will use it"
Jade : " okay! I'll go pay for it now"
I start walking to the cashier and checking out
cashier lady : " hello miss is this it for today?"
Jade : "yes thank you"
cashier lady : " your total comes to $230 please!"
I was grabbing my money from my wallet until drake comes up and says
Drake " that's okay I'll be paying !"
Jade: " d-drake you can't! I have more then enough to pay"
Drake : " my treat please!"
he was so thoughtful but I didn't want to except it! But he seemed so sure so i did
Jade : " if you insist"
Drake had now paided the lady the total money And me and him were walking out because Alex and zach had already moved to a different store
Jade : " you didn't have to do that! I'll pay you back"
Drake : " jade it's fine! I wanted to treat you"
Jade : " that's very sweet of you drake thank you"
Drake : " of course jade mars"
he called me jade Mars?! I liked it but I felt like I was showing to much embarrassment.
Jade : " thank you again very much!"
I kissed drake's cheek not thinking about anything else and then after put the necklace on me
Drakes pov:
Jade had just kissed me on the cheek oml i can't believe it. She's just so amazing I never thought I would ever get a kiss from her! also because she's so beautiful
Jade : " earth to drake? Are you ok?"
Drake : " oh yes! I'm sorry I zoomed out"
I was very embarrassed but oh whatever. Me and jade had decided to try and find Alex and Zach until we found them in a store called " pink pink pink"
It was obvious that they would be there. As we were walking in Alex was holding on Zach jumping up and down because we all new this was her dream store
Zach : " ok ok please calm down"
de waited for 2 hours because of Alex and she bought almost all the things in There. It was now 7 sharp so we decided to get some food
Jades pov:
We all decided we were going to eat from a new place called " all things to eat " we went in and me and drake decided to share some food because we both didn't want full whole meals and same did Alex and zach. as we were eating both some and drake heard Alex and zach talking
Zach : " they look like a couple omg"
Alex : " see ikr! they would be adorable together"
Zach : " we both know they like eachother"
Alex : " they should both just confess"
I started blushing like the inside of a watermelon without the seeds that ofc. I looked over at drake and his cheeks were pink. Did he really like me? Did he new I liked him?! I didn't know at this point I just continued to eat.
( btw light and charli didn't come anymore because light got sick and charli was taking care of him )
Me and drake then finished our food so we were waiting for Alex and zach. 10 minutes later they finally finish and we all go on the city bus back home. As we were sitting on the bus they made me and drake sit with eachother again and ofc we both heard them talking abt us again
Alex : " if they don't confess I will for them"
Zach : " there being such baby's like we already did"
so I decided to ask drake
Jade : " hey um drake?"
Drake : " oh yeah?"
Jade : " um is what there saying true or?.."
Nervous as I was to get a response I held it in. After a few seconds of his hesitation he answered
Drake : " yes"
Jade : " wait wha-"
Before I could finish we were at our stop. He really actually liked me?! I'm so shocked I needed to talk to him about this. We all walked over to the house and sat on the couch while charli and light were resting in lights bedroom with soup and some water.
Jade: " um drake can we speak in private?.."
Drake : " yeah sure"

Ahem you thought I was gonna give more hehe 🧚now you shall wait until next chapter teehee 💓 tbh...

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