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yes this is me I'm back and I'm going to write. ok let's continue <3

                                 Jades pov:
I was sleeping until Alex woke me up from us sleeping in her comfortable bed.
Alex : " jade wake up!"
jade : " huh whats going on?"
Alex : " it's my birthday!!!"
Alex was screaming loud and jumping up and down all around her room. I already gotten Alex her present and I am excited to give her it!
Alex : " we should wake up the others!!"
jade : " sure lets go"
We were walking. first we were walking to zachs bedroom because she wanted to. after Alex and I woke everyone Alex , zach , charli , and light went to get Alex a cake while they left drake and I to stay home. Soon me and drake decidedly watch a movie in the movie room of the house which is up stairs.
As we are watching the movie drake asks
drake : " jade... "
jade : " yeah? "
drake : " will you meet me at the boat ride down the lake at midnight? "
jade : " oh sure? "

                  Later at 12 because I'm lazy
                  ( still jades pov )
I was walking down to the boat to see drake there with roses. He comes closer to me and asks..
drake : " jade.. will you be my girlfriend?.."
i was so happy and excited I hugged him and said
Jade : " yes!"
he then gives me the roses and we walk back to the squads house . after all that everyone asked questions and alex was super excited etc.

                                 2 years later
me and the squad were all at the beach enjoying ourselves with a great life. We all were happy and together.  - charli and light , zach and Alex , jade and drake - ( sorry for not adding jaxx and sora in this story ) we were all hanging out and me and Alex decided to go in the water with charli. we had a great beach day! as we were getting out to have a snack the boys left go the change room to quickly put there swim suits on. as they were gone 3 guys grab Alex , charli , and I and put us in there van... the boys came back to see we were gone and panicked....

to be continued.....

( next chapter guys might be the last!! )

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