The Forbbiden Forest

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"Watch where you're pointing your wand, miss! We are trying to get some rest here!" A painting of an old lady yelled at you. "Right. Sorry ma'am." You lower you wand in which you have casted lumos. "Right. Sooo the entrance to the Forbbiden Forest. I'm going to guess he-errr-they are talking about the entrance next to Hagrid's home." You mumble to yourself. Taking extra precautions on every step and turn, in case Mrs.Norris catches you. You make it outside.

"Bloody fucking hell, it's cold." You whisper under you mouth: watching your breath leave your lips. The snow has slowed down, but it's still falling ever so slowly. Taking big steps in order to walk through the snow, you make sure to use your wand to hide your trail of footsteps. After a few minutes of walking in the cold, you finally make it to the entrance of the Forbidden Forest.

"Hello?" You whisper. Cuffing you hands to warm yourself. "Hello? Errr I got a letter saying that someone wants to meet me here." You whisper again into the quiet forest. "Great. I walked all this way just for nothing." You wait for a minute, then as soon as you're about to turn around, you hear rustling next to a tree. "Who's there?"

"Lumos." The end of your wand lights up, and you see a certain platinum blond boy standing next to a tree. His hair rustled up, wearing a long sleeve black shirt, his night robe, and black sweats. "It's Draco." Is all he says. "I would have never guessed." You say back to him, very sarcastically. "Why in Merlin's beard would you want to meet here? There's a few things wrong with it. One, Sirius Black may or may not be able to get into Hogwarts. Two, it's bloody freezing out here." He looks at you and sighs. "Please, give me a chance to explain-"
"How in the world do you explain that one minute you send me a gift basically saying that you want to be with me again, and you care about me so much. Then another minute, you're snogging and shagging Pansy Parkinson!" He opens his mouth as if to argue. "See, you can't answer that. Can you, Malfoy? Maybe you can answer this. Why did you want to meet out here?" Malfoy twiddles his rings, and looks you in the eye. "It was really risky to meet up in the castle, if any of the teachers were patrolling, since they're doing later shifts. So," He leaned against the tree. "I thought this was safer, and I didn't shag Pansy."

"You didn't?" He nodded. "Once you left, I told her that I didn't want to do it anymore. She kept saying that we should, so finally I hooked her up with Blaise. I didn't want to sleep with her, it didn't feel right." You close you eyes. "Okay, so I dunno why it wouldn't feel right to you, but whatever. Let's talk about here. Safer maybe, but I can't feel my toes. Also you remember that I'm afraid of the you know..." You look around, eyeing the darkness around you. "Oh...I completely forgot...Here this might help." He casted lumos and a heating charm on both of you. "Thanks." You mumble. "What did you want me here for. Another stupid apology I suspect?" He became a little pink. "Did you like the gift?" Malfoy asked you. "Sorry?" "The gift. Did you like it?" He asks again. "Well, I would have liked it a lot more if there were different circumstances." You could tell he got a little angry at that comment. "But, I did... I did like it."

Malfoy's eyes seemed to dance in the moonlight with joy. "I'm glad." He says. "Is that the only reason you called me here? I mean couldn't you ask me this during the day, so we can go into a classroom?" You ask him. "First, there's more. And I had to talk to you as soon as possible, which is well err now." He fixes his rings again. "Can you just spit it out? Heating charms don't last forever, and I need sleep." The blond hair boy looks up. "You know, my father doesn't know about you. My mother does." You look at him with befuddled eyes. "What? I'm sorry, I'm very confused." He looks back down at you. "If my father knew that I had dated you, he would make sure that I never looked at you again, or made sure that we never had the same schedule. You have heard of my father, he doesn't like muggle borns, and up until a few months ago: so did I." He sighs. "My mother on the other hand. She just wants me to be happy and safe. I told her about you, and she wanted to meet you so bad-" "Where are you getting at, Malfoy?" You ask him. He stops, and becomes a bright shade of red. "You can tell me." His eyes soften. "I love you."

"What?" You take a step or two back from him. "You can't be. That's impossible." He keeps a still face, takes a breath in, and begins to speak again. "I know. I didn't think that my feelings were you know, like that either for a while, but the day you stood up for me was the day I knew that I really cared for you." The both of you stood in silence, looking at one another, trying to read what the other is thinking. "Mal-err- Draco." The corner of his mouth seemed to twitch up when you said that. "I dunno. Really, are you sure? I-I mean, how do I know that you're not lying to me right now?" He smiled and took something out from his pocket. "I asked Granger if she could get one of these for me. It took bloody forever for her to finally agree, but once she did," He tossed the bottle over. "She's the one that gave it to me. Granger knew I was going to say this, but didn't know who." "Spill or Dump Your Guts. You drank it?" He nodded. "So, you're telling the truth..." Malfoy nodded. "Look, Y/N. You don't have to return the feelings. I've never been in love before, I get that you're still mad. I mean it is my fault- why are you smiling?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Well, it's just nice to know that you can be a really big git, and most of this is your fault-"
"Most?" He repeats. "Yes. Most. I will admit, that maybe I got a little too angry at the begging, but that didn't excuse you." You point a finger at him. "Draco." He grins ever so slightly. "Give me a week. After the week, I'll give you my answer." "What answer? Hold on, answer that you're in love with me, or answer that you'll come back? Which one?" He asks waving his hands around frantically. "I guess you will just have to wait. Oh! It will be Christmas next week too! I can't wait!" You clap your hands together. "Can we head back to the castle now? The heating charm stopped like ten minutes ago, I can't even feel my legs anymore." He nods, and you both (with struggle)  try to make your way back to the castle.

"Wha' are yer two doin' down here?" Draco and you freeze (literally and figuratively) "it's the middle o' the nigh'! Shouldn' yer be off In bed?" Hagrid makes his way up to you both. "We-we were, Hagrid. What are you doing awake?" You ask him. "I was lookin' fer students like both of yer frolicking around the grounds. I would expect this from Malfoy, but you?" Hagrid says to you. "I-I'm so sorry. I was errr... sleep walking!" Draco looked at you funny, and you stomped on his foot. "Right! Yes, that. I so happened to be sleep walking as well, so that's how we got here." Draco and you nod. Hagrid's eyes narrow, and even with half of his face covered with hair; you can tell he wasn't convinced. "I'm goin' ter pretend that I believe ya' lot." He raised his thick eyebrow, and waved you both off.

"Sleep walking? Brilliant, couldn't have thought of anything better to say myself." Draco said sarcastically. "You're welcome." You say to him: rolling your eyes. "Right. Well, we got out, because that oaf favors you-" You stop in your tracks and turn around to face him quickly. "If you want a good answer, then you better keep those rude, nasty, selfish, mean, remarks and insults to yourself, Malfoy." You wave your hair at him, tighten your robe, and you leave him standing in the snow.

I got a lot to think about...

A/N: okay explanation on Hermione giving Draco "Spill or Dump your Guts" and how it worked in case y'all didn't know. (Takes place like twelve hours before midnight) Draco asked Hermione (basically pleading) if she could get the potion from the twins. Hermione reluctantly agreed, and he asked for her help again. Draco asked for her to think really hard that she wishes that when talking to the person he cares most about, he will say what he feels. Since Hermione is already in this mess, she agrees, and now thought if he lied, he would puke for a week. Cuz she would totally do that. Also make sure to read: Gone before Goodbye (a Weasley twin story) and follow me on insta: i_have_writers_block101

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