Chapt 4 Ruby little tantrum

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"I think i can but you have to survive for at least 10 seconds" Merlin told me "you betcha!" Just like thst i was sent to the Commandments. Right infornt of me I see Zeldris next to Ruby looking her in the eyes she looks hurt and ... Angry? I shruged it off "Yo!" I said with a little salute "Meliodas" Zeldris said with grittied teeth and clenching his fist ready to attack but Ruby put a hand on his should making him like and her shanking her head.

"Wait! This is the prey that i failed to kill!" Galand shouts about to jump down to my level "NO!" Ruby shouts making every one look at her "Let me do it" Ruby said jumping down shocking every one from what she said while walking towards me she grabs her daggers from both her thighs just below her skirt.

My face soften from seeing my little sister "Rue I don-" before i could finish she launched at me with tears in her eyes from sadness but the eyes also show anger "Don't 'Rue' me you betrayed me! You primised that you wouldn't hurt me that you wouldn't leave me!" Rue shouted tears spilling her eyes while she still seeing her like this hurts I didnt mean to hurt her. I have one second left before I teleported back Rue landed a punch and telepoted with me "Not Good!"

~~~With Commandments

They watched Meliodas and Ruby disappear leaving a worried Estarossa and and raging Zeldris "Everybody spread out we're getting our powers now and taking over the puny human race if you see Ruby get her back at all cost! YOU GOT THAT!" Zeldris yelled startling everyone but listen not wanting to deal with Zeldris rage

~~~With the Seven deadly sins Merlin POV
"Alright Meliodas should be back any second" as i said this Meliodas comes back flying shocking everyone  "Ow!" Meliodas said while getting up "CAPTAIN!" king said "SIR MELIODAS" Elizabeth said about to run up to him but I stoped her "Lady Merlin?" She looked at me confused before I could speak we heard yelling and saw Ruby.

"You left me now you come back with a 'yo'?! Don't think i trust you again!" Ruby yelled charging after Meliodas "I didnt mean to Rue" Meliodas said trying to calm down Ruby witch is only making her more mad

I Sighed "perfect cube!" Sheltering every body from the girl's tantrum "Lady merlin I that?" Elizabeth asked "Yes it is" i said catching everything ones's attention "Who Lady Merlin?" Gilthunder asked "That's Meliodas little sister Ruby also known as the secret eleventh commandment, the commandment of fate" i told them "WHAT?!" most of the people their that didn't know

"Gowther can you put Ruby to sleep?" I asked "Sparkle!" Gowther said before kocking out Ruby "phew thanks Gowther" Meliodas  said patting off the dirt on him before grabbing Ruby.

~~~Third Person

Meliodas thanked Gowther while grabbing Ruby's daggers and putting them back on her straps before picking up Ruby bridal style "Why is she here shouldn't she be with the commandments" king said with venom seeping out every word "Relax she's totally harmless if she wasn't mad" Meliodas reassures "Sir Meliodas I didn't know you had a sister" Gilthunder said in shock "and a cute one at that" Howser accidentally without thinking.

"Your not being pervert around my sister that means any of you I don't want anyone flirting with her" Meliodas tells Seriously with a bit of anger seeping out while holding Ruby closer "Never thought ill see captain so protective over someone other than Elizabeth" King muttered "Sir Meliodas why was she crying" Elizabeth asked making Hawk yell "you meanie who make their own sister cry!?" Ramming into Meliodas forcing him to drop Ruby on accident but with a quick reflex King catches her with his pillow from the impact making Ruby stir a bit.

While their in the boar hat everyone was around Ruby who is currently sleeping on Kings pillow "So why was she crying?" King asked looking at the sleeping girl while captain while wipes the tear stains of the her "well their are possibly two reasons why she could be crying but their both becauss of me" Meliodas told King sheepishly "What did you do?" Authur asked "well for starters I broke my promises" Meliodas said putting a blanket on Ruby "what was the promises?" Howser asked "well..."

Meliodas came back  from a mission and  was about to go report back to his dad when he suddenly got tackled  "you never told me you'd be gone I was so worried!" Ruby told a startled and shocked Meliodas  while hugging him burrying her head deaper in his chest (yes your shorter by a few inches)

"Ruby" Meliodas voice sounded  sincere looking at his crying sister he started to pat your head making the crying girl look  "I promise I won't leave you Rue!" "Promise?" "Promise"Meliodas reassured before  hugging  back and kissing the boys  little sister

~~~~~Diffrent flashback
Meliodas and Ruby had a fight
"Why cant you see the possibilitys of her just using you!?" Ruby yelled at  Meliodas "you can't just hate on someone because of their your enemy Ruby" Meliodas stated clearly annoyed of his little sister comments " I'm just looking out for you Meli I dont want you to get hurt!" Ruby said grabbing Meliodas collar looking up in a pleading way

"I don't need to worrying about me its my job to worry about to Ruby, I dont need someone  worrying about my love life either!" Meliodas  yelled at his sister accidentally slapping his sister out of frustration shocking his sister making her on the verge of tears "fine is that what you want then... Never talk to me!" Ruby said softly before yelling it out looking at  her older brother in tears before running to her room leaving a shocked  and guilty Meliodas

Ruby crying in her room while Meliodas  walking to your room to make your about to fall asleep until Meliodas barges in making you turn over to the other side of your bed to not look at her brother. Meliodas  sat the side of your bed hearing your soft sniffles  "I'm sorry Rue I didnt mean to slap you i was just mad"  Meliodas told with a tone  of sadness  Ruby turned back to look at  Meliodas "Promise me you won't hurt me physically or mentally" Ruby says trying to stay awake to see what her brother's answer  "I promise with my life that i won't hurt you nor anyone else" Melodas told you with a smile stroking your head before falling asleep.

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