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<Johanna's prov>

"Get in the car" Sophie orders us and we all try to walk as fast as possible without looking suspicious.

"Where are we going to first?" Calum asks

"We are going to 'Joe's weapons' store first" Sophie says getting into shotgun, while Calum gets in the drivers seat then Ashton, Izzy and I sit in the back.

"How are we going to get through this?" Izzy whispers to Ashton, Ashton just glances down at me and I know exactly what he is thinking,

With mum and dad's lessons.

My parents always wanted us to be prepared for anything, so they taught us self defence, building skills, survival skills, ect.

I really miss them.

I feel my brothers arm go around my shoulders and he gives me a squeeze, "me too, Anna" he whispers in my ear.

"Alright," Sophie begins "we are looking for weapons that don't make sound" she turns and looks at Izzy

"What?! yeah okay I like a Big Bang but that doesn't mean I'm going to head straight for the guns" Izzy tries to defend herself

"okay" Calum laughs his dark brown hair falling in front of his almond shaped eyes

"Hey your meant to stand up for me! your my boyfriend!" Izzy yells leaning forward to punch Calum

"Stop it, we are here now" Sophie pulls the car over and we all quickly jump out.
When we enter the shop we all head in different directions.

This isn't just a weapons shop

There are tents and bags and even clothing.

"I'll get my own stuff" I mumble to Sophie and she nods then makes her way to the gear section while I make my way to the weapons.

Hmm... there are so many to choose from...

I look at the swords, then the guns, bows...

Then one catches my eye.

It's a bow, it's small and only reaches to my belly button from the ground, but it's light weight and strong.

It's white with carvings everywhere.

I like it.

I then move onto the extensions on the bow, I grab eagle eye pieces, arrows, bow holder that will strap to my back so I don't have to hold my bow all the time and a leg bound arrow clasp. This arrow clasp straps to my leg and allows me to hang upside down and the arrows won't fall out.

I also need other things to protect me so I grab a couple of knives.

I move onto the clothes, I grab a couple of loose pants, t-shirts and steel caped boots. I move along scanning the wall when something catches my eye.

What is that..?

I begin to walk closer to it,

Could it be... It is!

I grab it and put it in the bag of my stuff.

I really need night goggles, I smirk and walk up to the counter where Sophie is paying for all the suff.

It's really handy having a really rich bestfriend.

"Alright back to the car" Sophie orders in a whisper not wanting everyone around us to panic or get suspicious.

"Sophie?," Calum asks as we all file into the car Sophie taking the drivers seat this time, "why do we need weapons that don't make sound?" all four of us look at Calum like he said the dumbest question ever,

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