Zoom bearks barry and sends him away , kara meets the speedforce

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Star labs (earth 1)

Barry is running on the tredmil giving his speed up to save wally west "it done hand wally over" barry says and zoom shoves wally at joe. Zoom grabs barry by the neck barry tries to get free but zoom punches barry to the point he bleeds zoom break Barry's arm making him scream in pain zoom speeds off opening a breach to earth 38.

DEO (earth 38)

A breach opens in the DEO zoom speeds out of it holding a bloody unconscious barry by the neck zoom sees the guns aimed at him so he throws barry at the leader then speeds back to earth 1 then alex calls her sister telling her to get to the DEO fast and 4 seconds later kara is this "what is go- barry!" Kara runs to him "what happened to him" kara asks "all we know is that a man with a demonic mask showed up holding this guy was is unconscious" alex says and kara takes barry to a med table "what do you see" alex asks "a broken arm bruises and cuts all over his face and oh no that isnt good at all" kara says "what isnt good" alex asks "his powers are gone meaning no super speed super healing and a few other things" kara says with sadness in her voice it hurts dearly to see her friend like this she places a hand on his hand softly falling asleep.


Kara opens her eyes seeing barry "barry is yhst you" kara asks "no i am the speedforce the thing the gives speedsters their powers we have been watching over you and mr. allen" the speedforce says "why come to me why not Barry's team or barry" kara asks "because we have something to give you and mr. allen" the speedforce says with a wave of a hand a suit appears on kara.

Kara's new suit:

"Your cape can be attached to this suit and the suit will allow you to tap into the speedforce if needed when you fly fast enough you can open a breach and go to different earths" the speedforce says "wow but what happened to barry" kara asks "we ...

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"Your cape can be attached to this suit and the suit will allow you to tap into the speedforce if needed when you fly fast enough you can open a breach and go to different earths" the speedforce says "wow but what happened to barry" kara asks "we figured you'd ask that so we will show you" the speedforce says and with a wave of a hand kara sees a masked demon and barry fighting zoom breaks Barry's back then she sees the masked demon grab a boy then she sees the demon inject himself with Barry's speed and is about to kill him when a woman stops him so the demon speeds off with barry then she sees alex the demon throws barry at alex then kara sees the demon kidnap the woman who stopped him from killing barry "who is this demon" kara asks "earth 1 and 2 call him zoom he was also called the flash and jay gerkk but his real name is hunter zolloman" the speedforce says the with a wave of a hand a syringe with white lightning in it appears in kara's hands as well and a flash ring "what are these for" kara asks "inject that into mr. allen and put that ring on his finger" the speedforce says "alrighty but will i be able to help fight zoom" kara asks "yes you will but mr. allen comes first" the speedforce says "of course" kara says "good luck out there miss dnavers" the speedforce says sending kara back to reality .

DEO (earth 38)

Kara wakes up slowly then goes to talk to alex telling everything kara then goes to barry and injects him with speed from the speedforce as white lightning forms around him kara smiles softly as he wakes up and looks around then he feels a hand on his he looks to see who it belongs to and sees kara with a smile on her face "welcome back scarlet speedster" kara says hugging him lightly "im not a speeder anymore kara" barry says sadly "oh is that so then why would i inject you with something that the speedforce gave me" kara says "the speedforce talked to you?" Barry asks "yes gave me a new suit and they gave you your powers back and this" kara says handing him a flash ring then a ring appears on kara's finger that holds her new suit.

The rings:

The rings:

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Kara looks at the ring and smiles "race you to earth 1" kara says "its on girl pf steel" barry says and runs off  in a flash of white lightning while kara's new suit flys out of her new ring and she flys into her suit and flys after barry catching...

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Kara looks at the ring and smiles "race you to earth 1" kara says "its on girl pf steel" barry says and runs off  in a flash of white lightning while kara's new suit flys out of her new ring and she flys into her suit and flys after barry catching up in no time then a breach opens in front of them and they run Though it.

Star city arrow bunker (Earth 1)

A breach opens in the room oliver and thea are aiming arrows at the breach when barry comes out of it they lower their bows "barry what are you doing here" Oliver asks "long story but ill give you the short version which is zoom stole my speed sent me to another earth where a friend of mine helped me get my speed back" barry says "and where is this friend now" Oliver asks then kara flys out of the breach "Oliver thea meet kara kara meet Oliver and thea" barry says as Oliver studied kara who looks at barry "he is seeing if you are a threat he did the same to me after he put me in a chokehold after i saved him before my powers were a thing" barry whispered then Oliver goes to a box grabbing it handing it to barry who opens it seeing a suit similar to oliver's but red with a mask and bow staff "you know i dont need these" barry says "i know but it wasn't my idea" Oliver says handing barry laurel's will and a sad smile forms on his face then he read it seeing that laurel's suit and weapons are going with barry as well kara reads it as well then the two go to star labs with laurel's suit and Barry's new suit

Barry Allen and kara danvers (superflash)Where stories live. Discover now