Chapter 8-Agathokakological

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"Bloody hell Amelia! You are cut off," Draco gently pushes me back into a steady stance.

"What are you doing here Malfoy? I didn't know they were letting just anyone in," Ron spits out.

"I came to warn everyone actually. The headmasters are coming in just a few minutes to bust this party. I saw earlier that you guys were coming down here and I didn't want you getting in trouble," Draco stammers.

Ron kept going off in his drunken state, but I stared at Draco. He truly did care if he was risking his own record to help me. I turn to Ron and say, "we have to find the others and get out of here now. Ron listen to me, find Harry, George and Fred. I am going to find Hermione and Cedric."

Ron finally realizes that Draco is telling the truth so he sets off to find the boys. Draco stays with me as we hunt down Hermione and Cedric in the mass of people. Draco grabs my wrist and points to Hermione; she is sitting next to Krum and a group of others. I should have known. 

I rush over to her and pull her away. I whisper in her ear, "we need to leave now." She nods in understanding and flirtatiously waves good bye to Krum before following Draco and I. I spot Cedric talking to a group of Slytherin girls. My heart stops for just a second but I realize that he is doing nothing wrong. I briskly walk over and tap him on the shoulder. When he turns around, his face relaxes like it had when he first saw me tonight. He pulls me into a hug but I push him off; there is no time for this. 

"We have to go now Cedric," I insist.

He looks at me confused before seemingly reading my mind. "You go ahead with your friends Millie. I have to find Percy and Colin." Before I can protest, he pulls away and into the crowd.

I look back at Draco and Hermione. We all head up to the top deck to meet the boys. Thankfully they are already up there; I am surprised by how efficient Ron was considering how much he had to drink. Since we are all together, we quickly leave. I soon realize how intoxicated I am when I can hardly run up the hill. I feel Draco at my side keeping my balance. 

We make it up to the school and look back down. Word must have gotten out about the headmasters because tons of people are starting to run from the boat. My heart drops in my chest; I just hope that Cedric and his friends are getting out safely.

"Follow me, we can go through the dungeons. We will have a better chance of not getting caught," Draco offers.

"Now why should we trust you Malfoy?" Harry challenged. They both take an angry step towards one another.

Before a fight can break out, I wobble in between them and say, "Draco did come and tell us about the headmasters. Why would he help us escape only to be caught with us?"

Harry shakes his head still suspicious. We all follow Draco as he leads us through the dungeon. Once we are at the Gryffindor common room, he breaks away from the group. The rest of my friends quickly open the door and go inside.

"Draco wait!" I yell. He turns around but doesn't come any closer. "Thank you."

A hint of a smile crawls across his lips before he whips around and walks away. I watch him until he turns the corner. I go inside of the common room and all my friends are warming up by the fire. Ron is slow dancing by himself while everyone else laughs at him. I skip over and take the place of the nonexistent person. The room is spinning and I know it is from more than just the twirling Ron and I are doing. 

Hermione helps me up the stairs and into my pajamas. Both of us fall asleep very fast considering how late it is. It feels like I have just shut my eyes when I am aggressively awoken by Hermione.

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