chapter 17

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So carly and i are going to walk to the park.

Carly: so are you scered?

Maria: i dont know you?

Carly: what if it hearts.

Maria: it will ve okey.

Carly: you think so?

Maria: yeah how is going to be the first mum.

Carly: i realy dont know.

Maria: well i cant wait to have my baby in my armes.

Carly: auwww.

Maria: what?

Carly: i tgunk thr baby is ciming maria AUUEWWWWW PLEASE HELP.

Women: miss is somthing rong?

Maria: yeah can you please call tge ambylance hear baby is coming.

Women: yeah sure

Maria: carly breaf it will be okey.

Time skip at the hospital.

Maria: okey carly i cant go any foter now.

Carly: can you call jorge.

Maria: i will.

Phone call.

Jorge: sis.

Maria: where are you.

Jorge: home way.

Maria: hoe is whit you?

Jorge: mum dad ricardo fran diego maxi naty and elena way?

Maria: put me on speaker.

Jorge: okey your o. Speaker.

Vilu: maria whats going on?


Ricardo: bebe tell us agen but slow.

Maria: okey carly and u were walking in the park end carky stared screming en i askt wat was rong and she sede thed the babty was ciming so im het the hispital now and you guys heve to com reat now.


End of phone call.

10 min later.

Jorge: where is she?

Maria: in a room i dont knie where.

Docter: sorry your maria?

Maria: yeah.

Docter: is the dad hear.

Jorge: im tge dad.

Docter: cingret you got 3 hilty kids.

Jorge: 3?

Docter: yeah 2 boys and 1 girl.

Jorge: woooow cab i see them.

Dicter: yeah you can go to thed room.

Jorge: thanks

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