The Girl Impossible to Possess

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The night is chilly and calm. There's not a soul to be found on the streets. Everything seems so peaceful, so much so that even if someone is murdered no one will know. It’s the perfect night for Damon Dante to execute his plans. Now all he has to do is find a perfect victim to fall into his trap.

Dante pays minute attention to each passing house, scrutinizing all his options. So far he hasn’t come across anything worthwhile his time. 

Just as he was about to take a turn round the corner to enter the next street, Dante’s eyes capture the rays of light penetrating out of a window from one of the houses. He also sees a petite figure of a girl hastily rummaging through, what he assumes to be, her room. A devious smile creeps onto his lips as he has finally found the perfect catch for his plan.

Dante walks up to the house and climbs up to the girls room with ease. He straightens himself and goes on to pass through the window. 
‘Seems like tonight I’ll be getting some action.’, he thinks to himself.

He checks out the petite brunette, who is lost in her own world to even pay any attention to Damon who's standing in front of her. Dante amusedly let’s out a chuckle  which actually startles the girl bringing her out of her small reverie. 
She looks at Dante with shock smeared over her full face. She then tries to take a few steps away from who she sees, when Dante’s gruff voice brings her to a still.

“What are you doing?”, still amused by the girl, he asks.

The girl completely ignoring his question asks, “who are you and how did you get in?”

“I’m Damon Dante and it’s not very difficult to get into your room, you know?”, he tells the girl with a wink.
The girl still completely shocked with Damon’s appearance, notices a ring on his finger. The ring has the numbers 666 engraved on it. She then spots the tattoo of a skull with the words DAMON under it, on his neck.

“Who exactly are you?”, she asks again. 
Dante, now getting annoyed with the girl replies, “Little girl, you ask too many questions. Let’s cut the chit-chat here and get down to business. If you haven’t already figured out who I am, I’m the one and only, Damon- the Soul Bearer.....”

“Excuse me! The soul what now?!”, the girl asks.

“The Soul.....”, just as Dante was going to repeat, the girl cuts him off, “I got you the first time. Jeezz! Anyways...what are you here for?”

“Are you this dumb on a natural basis or just today? Haven’t you already done the math? I’m here to possess your soul, duh!”

After hearing this, any normal person would be scared to death and Dante expected the exact same reaction from the girl but what she said next left an even bigger shocked expression on Dante’s face.

The girl looked at Dante with gleaming but desperate eyes and said, “Ha ha, say less.."

She then gets closer to him and continues, “well how about this? I have just an hour now, thanks to you, and I have six submissions due with six more to go right after. So please, I’m begging you, go ahead and possess my soul!”


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