A Path So Wrong

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I opened my eyes to find myself standing at a very unusual place. In front of me, almost about ten steps away, lies an intersection of two paths, seemingly similar in length and width, while distinctly different in its appearance. I look around and see nothing but a thick layer of fog shielding the dense forest to it's full ability.

The path on my right has a beautiful flower bed lining it entirely on both sides, carrying on right up to it's end that's visible to my naked eyes. It appears to be freshly tarred and clear with not a speck of dirt on it. From where I'm standing, I can see a barrel filled with something shining bright, almost as if it would leave a person blind. The path looks so heavenly, however, when I look at its end point all I see is bare darkness. For some reason when I look at this path, i can feel a surge of power pulling me to it and although I'm standing far away from it, it feels as though I'm walking towards it.

In comparison to the path on my right, the path on my left was totally different one. Everything right from the start was dark and gloomy and just by the looks of it, I never wanted to step on it. A small part at the start of the path, was filled with pointy rocks which were the size of my palm. The part after that was formed by a generation of vipers; and the part after that was beautifully spread with a bed of roses but when looked closely, had sharp piercing thorns protruding through them. The path was then further covered by a wall double my height. Just by the sight of all this, I knew that I would never want to step on this path. However, regardless of it's looks, I could see a beam of sunlight faintly making it's way above the wall. The sunlight however fails to light up the path.

I look around to find another exit when unexpectedly I hear my name being
called. I turn around to be met with a woman as beautiful as the lilac. She had an absolutely tempting dress on which had a sweetheart neck, pushing up her breasts. The woman began walking along the path on my right calling out to me in a very seductive manner.

" Kyle, what are you still standing there for? Don't you want to go home?", she
asked me.

"Yes, I do. But I'm not sure which path do I take.", I replied.

"Don't be silly! This is the right path.", she gestured towards the path she was standing on, " See it's extremely clean and pleasant to walk on too."

While the pretty lady was persuading me to take the right path, I could hear a voice deep within me telling me to take the path on my left. Just as I was about to the voice in me, my body started moving on it's own accord, walking forward towards the lady. I continued walking but as I was just a step away from the path, I saw tiny nails spread out on the entire path and if not seen, could have easily gone as unnoticed. I could also hear screams and cries of people from down the path.
'This can't be right.', I thought to myself.

I was about to take a step back when all of a sudden the same woman pulled me onto the path and she transformed into a a demonic creature. The nails pierced themselves through my feet and I could see my blood flowing all over the place.

My heart began thudding itself through my chest and fear made it's way onto my whole being. Not knowing what else to do, I let my screams out loud and clear through my mouth begging and pleading for help.

The demonic creature was just about to pounce on me when all of a sudden I was jerked out of my sleep by my mother rigorously trying her best to wake me up.

"What's wrong, honey?", my mother asked.

"Nothing Ma, I just had the worst nightmare."


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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