Lock down

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The plane flight wasn't bad but it was tiring for dream. He wasn't super used to flying nor was he used to Texas weather. The news said it would be sprinkling, but by the time he actually left Florida, the rain was really coming down. Luckily, the plane still landed on time and Sapnap was waiting for him by baggage claim and his car waiting outside. The airport in Houston was huge. Tall Walls, terminals in every direction, 13 baggage claim areas, and several escalators along with a few elevators for disabled people. Dream put away his airpods, and tried to find baggage claim lot 7 while also looking out for Sap. Once he found claim 7, he quickly texted Sapnap so they could meet up and wait for dreams luggage together. waiting for the conveyer belt to start, Dream glanced around looking for a brown haired guy around 5'10". that's when he saw that familiar face.

"Sapnap!!" dream yelled far louder than necessary.

"Dream!" Sapnap ran over and went in for a handshake hug combo, and dream knew exactly what to do. in one fell swoop they fell into the greatest bro hug ever. "its been too long man!" Sapnap said as he released from the embrace. "I know right? this is the most ambitious crossover yet!" dream laughed at his own joke. Sapnap just smiled, as it wasn't the funniest joke ever if he was honest, but was just happy to see his favorite minecraft buddy. "alright, now I just have to get my suit case and then we can go to dinner or something"

they discussed what they'd eat while waiting for dreams bag. When the painfully green suitcase started approaching, dream focused his attention on grabbing it. "why would you pick that of all colors, oh my god." Sap giggled at his own choice of words and also at the bright green luggage. "branding." is all dream said back, which caused Sapnap to laugh a bit harder.

They found Sapnap's car pretty easily as it looked pretty old and busted up. They joked about Sapnap having a quite successful career in streaming and youtube while still only driving some beat up silver Honda from 1999. they laughed at the fact Sap was younger than his car and didn't care enough to get it fixed up "if it works, don't fix it." is all he had to say to the jokes.

After stopping by a Whataburger, just to feel extra Texan, they ended up at Sapnap's apartment complex. The home was a lot tidier than Dream had expected but that definitely was not a bad thing. First just exploring the place Dream walked around the living room and kitchen before advancing to the room he would be staying in. The furniture was relatively nice considering the size of the apartment. He was surprised that Sap had an extra room and didn't make it his gaming room, but it probably was pretty convenient to just get up and start your day playing a game, reading comments, or editing a video. Regardless, the spare room was quite cozy, a full sized bed and a set of chest drawers sat in the room. the walls were a pale blue, and the carpet was pretty nice. Setting down his suitcase, dream collapsed onto the bed.

"Hey are you gonna eat this burger or what?" sap called from the kitchen. reluctantly dream pulled himself off the soft bed and dragged his heavy body to the kitchen and then onto the couch. "tired?" sap smiled, "tired." dream sighed before munching down on his burger. It was alright, he didn't quite understand the hype, but it definitely wasn't bad.

Sapnap turned his head seemingly searching for something before standing up a little and pulling the remote from under him. Dream wheezed at the sight of his friend getting so excited over pulling out the tv remote from his ass. "shut up," sapnap lightly hit dream on the shoulder. He turned on the TV revealing the last thing he was watching was....

his own video.

Despite how tired Dream was, he burst out laughing almost choking on his fries. "y- you narcist!" dream heaved trying to stop laughing so hard. Sapnap quickly changed the channel to some reruns of "Friends" light embarrassment on his cheeks.

He did in fact watch a lot of his videos over and over again. He would justify it was "quality control" but what was he going to do with a video that he put out a month ago that had a mistake left in? In reality, he watched them when he was lonely. Reliving his time with his friends, thinking of how much fun they had playing with certain plugins and how dream would rage harder than himself sometimes.

nevertheless, they both finished their food and Dream went to sleep almost as soon as he laid down, while Sap stayed up a bit longer before cleaning up and getting into bed.


Dream had planned on staying at Sapnap's for a month, and he did. They played games, made a few videos, streamed, and went to H-E-B, but just three days before dream had to leave the news had stated that state boarders were closing due to the rising cases of COVID-19. Dream didn't mind staying with Sapnap but he was feeling homesick and didn't want to bother his friend too much. Unlike Dream, Sapnap was ecstatic. He got to spend more time with his best friend and even though they couldn't go out, they could just chill and stay in all they wanted.

Although, it didn't matter how either of them felt. Dream couldn't leave and that was that. but Sapnap did have the ability to make Dreams stay as nice and comfortable as possible, because no one knew how long this quarantine would last.


972 words

thanks for reading the first chapter. i think this idea is really cute and want to see if my writing skills can do it justice lol

Edit: yall think dream was gonna leave patches at home alone for a month??? Yall think dream lived by himself??? Bruh. He left patches at his house where he lives with his family. Yall is dum dum.

-Ollie <3

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