part 2

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The scorching hot desert sun battered down on their backs as they walked. Dorian glanced over at her animal-like companions in confusion, how could they handle living in these conditions?

The market town was bursting at the seams, proving difficult to get around as a large group. Many different scents and sounds filled the air. Tents and small pop up wooden shacks scattered all over in slight rows.

"Right, looks like we'll have to split up. Me, & _____ (servant) will try find us camel's and rations. You can find trip suitable clothing and do your own shopping. We'll meet at the Inn in the centre of this town. If I'm not there, help yourselves to drinks until I'm able to sort out our room arrangements" Prompted ____ (catman).  And with that, They disappeared off into the crowd.

Dorian glanced over to Ardyn. "Where to first?" She smiled and stretched her arms.
"I guess we should look for a tailor of some kind? I really hope that old man with the mystery store shows up" Said Ardyn, his face beaming as he thought about the mystery shop.
"I'm never gonna get your fascination with that store, cmon let's go" Dorian sighed before heading off down one of the packed streets.
"It's uhh you just never know what you're gonna get... it's fun y'know.." muttered the monk to himself before following along behind her.

Morthos Decided to venture off on his own which wasn't out of character for him. He was always the type to keep to himself.


"Fried Lizard, come and get your fried Lizard!" Yelled one salesman from his wooden shack-like storefront.

"Fried Lizard?" Dorian questioned pulling a rather discussed face. "I like lizards, don't think I'd like eating them."

"You won't know until you try" chimed in the bullman appearing behind her. His sudden outburst causing her to jump slightly. The monk laughed quietly to himself witnessing the situation play out.

"Hey, don't creep up on me like that. What do they even taste like anyway?" She glanced up at the large figure.

"Hmm, they're crispy. They have a slight chicken taste" explained the bull as he handed the salesman coin for his wears.

"Chicken.." Dorian pondered for a moment. "Go on then I'll take one too" she shrugged handing the salesman a coin. She inspected the lizard from all sides not exactly knowing where she should start.

"Just eat it already" grunted the bull as he passed her on his way to another stall.

Dorian pouted slightly before hesitantly take a nibble of it's leg. To her surprise, it was just as the bull described. Crispy, with a chicken flavour. However, being able to see the lizards face did put her off. She quickly handed it to Ardyn before chasing after the Bull as he knew this area.

Ardyn smiled, he always enjoyed trying new foods. They helped him learn how to cook more dishes for on their travels. The ones he would like he'd write down in his journal so he could replicate them to the best of his ability on a later date.

The bull lead them into a tent that appeared to be a tailor. You wouldn't have guessed it from the outside due to the tents all looking practically identical. Inside was covered with rolls of fabric as far as the eye can see. They were organised by materials and colour. 

"We have a job for you. We're going on a trip into the desert and need weather appropriate clothing." Requested Bull leaning against the table in the centre of the room. "There's 6 of us in total I believe. I just require lighter armour. Charge it to _____(catman)." He smiled

The saleswoman rushed over to him and jotted down his order. "Oh, an order for _____. How soon will you be needing them by?"

"End of the week if all goes well." Shrugged Bull.

"End of the week? Very well. I'll get on it right away. Send the others over as soon you can too would you" She said reaching for her tape measure.  Her and Bull chatted idly as she took his measurements.

Dorian glanced over to Ardyn who seemed to be deep in thought.
"You still think about that mystery shop" she laughed and punched his arm gently
"Huh, what... yeah" He sighed and scratched the back of his head.

"I'm sure he'll turn up. He always does. It might be a bit difficult due to the tents but I'm sure you'll find it. You're somehow drawn to it." She encouraged giving him a small smile before being attacked with a measuring tape.

The tailor forcibly lifted up her arms, measuring from her shoulder down before taking a moment and looking her up and down."you're rather small for an elf? Where are you from?"

The elf feeling rather offended ignored her questions and gave her a stern look before slowly reaching back for her axe. Ardyn hesitantly reached out for her arm to stop her from causing a scene. A sudden look of fear washed over the tailor. She breathed a sigh of relief as the elf released her arm back to her side. Dorian satisfied with herself had a shit eating grin plastered on her face.

The tailor made no further comments and measured her in silence before moving onto Ardyn. 

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