Chapter 2 'New Mission'

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Levi had left the room. I stood up from my chair and put down my spoon and walked out the door in a hurry. Armin looked at me and said,

"Hey f/n, what's going on?"

I turned around and smiled awkwardly a bit saying, "It's nothing, I just forgot I had to do something."

I walked out the door and looked to where Levi was going. I knew I shouldn't be snooping, but I just had to know what was happening. I looked around a corner behind the stable we kept our horses, and saw Levi talking to Erwin.

I heard him say something about "a mission," and Wall Maria. I didn't think much about it, so I left and went back to the dining area.

Everyone had already gone, and my food was still sitting there cold. I had to finish it though or else Levi would get mad at me, so I picked up the cold bowl of soup and gulped it down like there was no tommorow.

I went outside to the well and filled a bucket of water. I went out to the patch of grass I had been watering, since the house Levi's squad was staying in had dead grass all around it for miles.

The grass kind of symbolized something for me, sort of like the Scouts. We're the patch of green grass; surrounded by titans, the dead grass. We don't know what's out there, and what the future has for us. We're all just trying to survive and break loose from this hell.

I looked up into the sky and realized the sun had already started setting, and the slight breeze got colder and colder. My h/c hair blowing in the wind as I tuck it behind my ears.

I heard small footsteps coming towards me, and a deep and somewhat soothing voice called out to me,

"What're you doing out here, get inside."

It was Levi's voice, I was so out of it I didn't even realize that was him at first. I turned around and giggled a bit, half smiling,

"Sorry, Captain Levi."

I looked back at the patch of grass I had grown and thought out loud, "I wonder what it's like to be free."

I could feel Levi looking at me, it felt like I had shocked him a bit. Like I said something that peaked his interest. He said once again, right as the sun had fallen over the horizon,

"Just get inside, 'ya brat."

I like Levi. I don't think he knows how much I care about him, he's the only person I have right now that I truly love. Except for Eren and my other friends, of course.

But it really does make me happy and all, with him being around. I really do care about him. I want to tell him, but I'm not sure if I really want to. Im scared I'll lose him.

I grasped the bucket that I had been holding for the past 30 minutes and ran off towards the house-ish place we were staying in. I put the bucket outside the front door and walked in, hitting my shoes lightly on the wood on the front porch to get the dirt off.

Levi followed in, far behind me. I looked at one of the walls inside, and there pasted with a pin on the wall was an announcement from Levi. I looked at it and read in a whispering voice, "Report to the dining are tommorow morning at 5am with your belongings. We'll be moving to stay somewhere closer to Wall Rose where the opening to Wall Maria is. We have something to do there, but I'll tell all of you more tommorow."

I wondered when he had the time to write that, but I went back to my room and got off my harness, unbuttoned my shirt and pants. I put on some comfortable sleeping clothes and walked over to my bedside table and put my pocket watch back in the drawer.

I pulled out a piece of paper, ink, and dipping pen and walked to my small desk, putting it all one the paper. I took the yellow-ish old stained paper, and grabbed my dip pen and dipped it in some ink.

I started writing to my mother saying,

Dear Mother,

Hello, I hope you are doing okay. I think about you all the time. I am doing well in Levi's squad, and my training ia going very good. Today for lunch/dinner we had soup. It tasted like nothing compared to yours, but we ate bell peppers. I wish I could go over to where you are and give you bell peppers, even though I don't have any. I love you Mother, so don't forget that!

Your dear daughter, f/n.

I write letters to my mom, even though I'll most likely never be able to give them to her. I usually end up just throwing the letter away, but I was feeling good today so I got up and put it in my bedside drawer. I pulled open the curtains to let the moonlight in, and got in bed. I sort of felt relieved from writing that letter, like I had gotten something big off my chest.

I turned over onto my side and slowly drifted into a deep sleep.


I hope you guys reading this are enjoying the story so far! There's not much in this chapter and I'll be making the chapter after this longer. If you like it make sure to vote for my story and comment!! Thank you :)

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