chapter 2

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I wake up the next morning and get ready for the busy day ahead. I look at myself in the mirror. My tired green eyes stare back at me, my curls looking a sorry state. It's the same sort of routine everyday, look in the mirror— sigh. Look in the mirror— sigh. My face looking too freckly, hair too frizzy, anyone would guess I'd been spiked with a hair-raising potion. Being friends with Fred and George, it most definitely wouldn't be the first.

Leaving the majority of my skin bare and not going through the whole ordeal of applying makeup, because honestly anything other than a tiny smudge of black around my eyes is much too far out of my abilities and I'd end up looking like an awful caricature version of myself. And quite honestly I cannot to be bothered to look at myself in the mirror for any longer.

I emerge from my dormitory and into the common room as breakfast begins, making my nose twitch from the comforting aroma of pancakes and lemon juice flowing around the halls. There are first-years eagerly waiting for their new-found friends to wake, seventh-years already complaining about exams and cramming in some extra studying before classes begin. Theodore Nott sits alone by the fire, tossing Weasley's Wildfire Whiz-bangs at a group of nervous first-year students. Malfoy inhabits the couch to the right of Nott, and sneers along with the rest of his friends. I know he's watching me, examining me intently as I walk by. Probably planning his next blood-related attack. His cronies start whistling as I make the short distance from the sofas to the door of the Common Room, "Nice arse, White." Goyle calls after me, before I stick my middle finger up at him.

"Got yourself a girlfriend, Malfoy?" Blaise whoops
sardonically at Draco whilst Goyle resumes his whistling at me.

"Fuck off Blaise," Malfoy bites.

"Yeah, you'd be delusional to fancy her. Proper mental she is. I can't believe Pansy is friends with her to be honest." Blaise replies.

"Good morning, Celeste... are you okay?" A voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I look up and see Neville Longbottom standing in front of me as I rush out of the dungeons and into the Great Hall. He looks concerned; brow furrowed and all.

"Yeah, Neville. I'm fine, honestly. Sorry for bumping into you." I reply to him, curling my lips into a smile and walking to the table to sit down.

After breakfast, I trail down the halls to Defence Against the Dark Arts, forgetting what Blaise and Goyle said this morning and hoping that Harry, Hermione and Ron are in my class. When I walk in, I see the three of them along with Malfoy— who is sitting at the back.

I don't know why I'm so bothered about what they said. Perhaps I'm just surprised that he might not be as much of a misogynistic arsehole as his friends. Though, there is no denying his overwhelming superiority complex and his absolute privilege and entitlement that he is completely unaware of.

I take a seat at the back not knowing where else to go as the seat next to Hermione has been taken in my later arrival, and Ron and Harry sit together at the front. The three of them wave at me as I find an empty space and begin unpacking my bags, enthusiastic to see me despite having spent almost the majority of the summer holiday break together. I feel something hit the side of my head, a crumpled up piece of parchment scratching against my skin.

You're slightly less ugly than you were last year.

Draco winks at me sarcastically and it takes everything in me to not rip his head off. "Bite me, Malfoy," I spit as I roll my eyes at him and throw the paper back.

"Don't start something you can't finish, you filthy little—" he begins before I cut him off.

"We're all getting tired of the same insults. You look like an idiot," I spit out at him. "Is that really the best you can do?" I raise my eyebrows and tut sarcastically.

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