Diecineuve 19

590 23 73

This would have come out sooner if Wattpad hadn't deleated the first half of the chapter!!!

Still no excuse for missing a couple of weeks, sorry!

Also, I hate Christmas music, my sister has ruined it for me and now she's playing it out loud and I want to yeet myself out of my second story bedroom window.


It had been two hours since Ruu, Sana, and Keith had gotten back to Ruu and Sana's home, probably about three or four since the kit was born. Sana had asked to hold the kit nearly twenty times, both Keith and Ruu telling her no because the kit was too small.

Ruu was trying to find something to give the kit as milk. Sana was watching the kit rocking back and forth waiting for it to do something. Keith, well Keith was still holding the kit, now wrapped in the softest cloth Ruu had, nuzzled into Keith's chest, sound asleep, while Keith's mind was running

"What's is the kit a girl, or a boy, or a they?" Sana asked.
"I don't know, we didn't look," Keith answered, only half hearing her.
"Well can we look? I wanna name them!" Sana smiled.
"Sana, we aren't naming the kit, that's something it's parents will do," Ruu stated, pulling out a few ingredients from a cabinet.
"But it doesn't have parents, they're dead," Sana stated.

Keith flinched at that, guilt clutching his heart tighter. The Paladin pulled his legs up, creating a small barrier around himself and the kit. Which Sana leaned closer to see over.

"We'll find them sargent parents when we get off of this planet," Ruu stated.
"We're not going to keep them," Sana pouted, watching Kieth rub his thumb softly between the kit's ears, not really listening to them.
Ruu sighed, looking over at the other Half Galra, "We can't keep the kit Sana, they need a mother to nurse them. We can feed them something in place of Galra milk, but neither of us are producing milk, they'll get sick if they don't get proper nutrients," they explained.
Sana pouted but nodded, "I wanted a new packmate though..."
Ruu sighed, readying their ingredients for the milk stand in, "I know Sana, I know. Maybe we'll get another packmate later, but not now."

Sana whined quietly before turning back to Keith and the kit. The pair appearing to not have been bothered to pay attention to the conversation. The Paladin lost in some mix of emotions someone familiar with their emotions wouldn't be able to untangle, much less Keith.

There was one emotion he could pick out of the mess, he felt it when he and Lance trained together after swapping weapons and his mate would get hit, or almost hit, because of his shit ability to aim. The overwhelming urge to grab his knife and protect Lance in those moments was almost animalistic and impossible to control. Keith knows he has growled and hissed at himself more than once.

But that feeling, that natural, instinctive, overwhelming feeling to protect bubbled in his chest. Rising and falling with the kit's sleeping movements in his arms. Every time they seemed uncomfortable, Keith could feel the thin layer of fur on the back of his neck tensed. Ready to raise like the hackles of a dog if the kit stayed uncomfortable for too long.

Currently though, the kit seemed perfectly content cuddled up against Keith's chest. The boy wondered what Lance would think of the kit. An image of his mate and the kit cuddled up on their bed, sound asleep, safe in the Castle where nothing could get them invaded his mind and refused to leave. Not that he was complaining. Arguments, no matter how far fetched, to keep the kit on the Castle followed the mental image. Pulling a small purr from the half bread as he cuddled the kit closer.

A half amused snort cut off Keith's train of thought.
"You look like a mother with her first kit," Ruu teased, a large dropper and canteen of the milk substitute in hand.
They took a seat next to Keith, filling the dropper with milk before shutting and setting down the canteen, "We'll have to use this to feed them until we can get a proper bottle, but it shouldn't hurt anything," they explained, gesturing for Keith to pass the kit to them.

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