Mori Vivere, Life Death

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Darkness, what we come from and go into, we all exist in a exponentially minuscule part of space and time, with an end that is invisible but immovably set in stone, Momento Mori. but at the same time all we can do is live, because there is no death without life, no light without dark, and the time we spend in light, the time we spend in life, we have to value every second, every minute, every day month and year because it's all we get,Momento Vivere. When you feel the pain of loss, the feelings of uselessness as time marches on, as all you do starts to feel meaningless please remember, that is what makes you alive, there is nothing without balance, so even if you mourn someone or something, be happy that you have reason to mourn. We all have our Unus Annus until death, our last year, but we also have our Unius Anni of life, the one years that pass every year since birth. the only reason our birth don't scare us is because we know our past but can't see our future, but you don't need to be afraid of death, as it comes to all of us, don't be afraid that you are dying, only fear that your life hasn't been full enough, and that is up to you, Unus and Annus showed us how short a year is, but think back to before this year and how much they both have grown and changed, how much they have changed us. You need to live your life knowing there is an end, and don't waist a second of it, and it's up to you to choose what is wasted . Lastly, before the year comes to an end and all we have are the memories I implore you to remember, the Ramblings of a man marching unto death are usually seen as mad, but all of us will do it some day, we all come to our end, and if you have the time and ability to...listen to the dead man, as you can learn a lot for someone knowing the end is near, because they often want to make as much a mark as they can, so let them put that mark on you, for one day you will want to leave your mark and it's a small action that can make the transition to the other side a little easier, a little less scary, because hopefully someone does the same to you, and you can let your Unus Annus pass peacefully, and as you go, if your lucky you can maybe hear the clock tick as your time comes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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