Chapter 10 - Truth Behind The Curse

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Third Person POV:

The kingdom was filled with sadness and anger after the king left, some said that the king cursed them but it wasnt true yet you really cant blame the villages as every human always look for reasons to blame others and they were no different

It had been over a month after the king left and the Princess was now taking care of the kingdom, they send dozens of  soldiers twice a week to find the king but were never able to

The Antarctic King and The king of L'manburg had also helped in the search of the king and so did the fox king

Tho none were able to find him...but one day...

. . .

"Your Majesty" A soldier called, as the king came back to reality from his train of thoughts to bring back Dream "Yes?" He says looking over at the soldier who had kneeled down to him bowing his head in a respectful way

"A man is outside and he wishes to speak with you" he says as the king thinks for a while "Do you know who he is?" The king asks "He clams to be a friend of the lost king" guessing it was George he asks the guards to let him in

"Greeting your highness" the witch's son says as the king nods his head then gets off his thrown "George, I wish to speak with you in my office kindly follow behind me" the brunette nods his head

When they entered the other closes the door as the king sits on a chair "So what is it?" The king asks "Your Majesty-" "Just call me Techno" the king corrects

"Techno, I think I know what was wrong with Dream" he says getting the others full attention "I have read many magic books this month and finally found a curse that matches up with Dream's apperence"

"Continue" the ruler felt like there was finally a beacon of light but kept his self calm

"Its called the Curse of Lunellai" the brunette takes out a book and flips through pages until he finds the one who was looking for a shows it to the king

"The curse is used to make someone's inner emotions a monster who can control the body of the being. The emotions can be Fear, Anger, Guilt and Pressure. It can also make a person despise themselves to the point they break any object they see themself in"

"That can be the reason why Dream wears a mask" The ruler added as the brunette nodded his head "hold on tho, there is something more" the witch's son continues

"This curse only works on someone fairer then most and can only be given by someone with a jealous heart, as the spell would most people not see the beauty that lies inside and instead a beast"

"So...the person who did this was jealous of Dream?" The king says "Yes but I an not sure why" the brunette says

"I think I do!" A voice comes from behind the two, as they turned to see Fundy and Wilber the two kings who helped in the search of the king

"There is this one man in the SMP Empire known to be prettier then the fairest of any maiden" Fundy says as the fox king walks to the two

"Oh also, Techno you left the castle door open" Wilber says, The pink hugs his british friend as he looks at the fox with an angry look "And what do you want?" He blood god says looking dead in his eyes

"I just want Dream to be happy, and if that means I cant be with him so be it" the fox says, The other king stops glaring as he looks surprised at Fundy's desition "You mean-" "Promise me something Technoblade" the other quiets himself

"Promise me you will always love and take care of Dream, till your dying days you will protect him" the fox king holds out his finger in a childish manner as the other king does the same "I promise, I will die protecting him if that's what it takes"

"Alright! Lets go see this dude!" Wilber says as all the others nod their heads and off they went on their horses back to their friend's kingdom

. . .

The British king pointed at the house as the blood god and the witch's son's eyes widened "Thats where Dream was the other day!" Both shouted in unison as the two then looked at one another

They knocked on the door, as it opened with a creek with again the boy with charcoal black hair and white fair skin stood there "Hello how may I help?" The two kings admitted that the boy was indeed beautiful, it was mere fact

"Cousin George!" The boy said looking at the brunette who looked confused "Cousin?" The other asks as the black haired boy hits himself on his head lightly "silly me, I forgot you lost your memory when you were 14!"

The witch's son was unaware of this as his eyes widened "Wha-" "Mother! Brother George and some kings are here!" The boy shouted as he then turned to look back at the four "Come in!"

They all except Techno took a seat as the boy introduced himself "My name is Cloud! Its nice to meet you all! So what do so many kings seek from my mother that you all came?"

"Oh we-" "I need answers" The blood god cuts out his fox friend, as they soon saw the witch in sight "Greetings Your Majesties, what do you seek from little old-"

Her sentence were cut by the pink ruler who held a sword to her neck "what are you doing Your Majesty I am just a-" "Shut it" he says cutting her out once more

Cloud sighed as he stood up from his place "Mother that's enough hiding I am sure they want the answer of the same question" he says as the witch looks at her son "But dear I dont know any-"

"Yes my mother was the witch who cursed the king, she was also the one who forced auntie to lie about the reason she cursed the queen's son" he says as the witch's eyes widened

"YOU FOOL! I DID IT BECAU-" "Because you wanted me to be the fairest in the whole land?" The boy said, everyone had been frozen in place as Cloud sighed

"I love you mother, but destroying someone elses life is not what I want" "I didnt hurt him that much" the witch defended herself and that is when the blood god got angry

"You didnt hurt him much? All his life he had been stuck in his room! He was filled with so much guilt and pressure he wasnt even able to see his own sister grow! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM HIM! IS THAT NOT MUCH?!?!"

"YOU MONSTER! I CAN KILL YOU RIGHT NOW! DO YOU KNOW THAT?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA OF THAT?!?!" The king yelled out in anger, he was now crying as he pulled the witch's hair then threw her across the room

"Now you will have to help us... If you dont you will die" the king finally said calming down but the witch just laughed

"Why would I help you?! I dont fear death! Soon the people of other kingdom will run out of patience and then kill him! He deserves to suffer for he had taken my childs-" "MOTHER!" the child yells

The witch's turns to see her son holding a knife ready to slice his wrist "If you dont help them I will- I will kill myself right here!" The child says

The witch's eyes widened as she accepts  her defeat "Alright, I will help you find the king"


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