Of Birds & Biochemistry

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13 Of Birds & Biochemistry

"Current of energy/I hide it away and underneath/Lock the door/I shake, I promise everyday/To change" –"On the Floor" song by Perfume Genius

9:30 am, Autumn 1994, Ambient Lounge

The recording ended, the ambient lounge silent as Harry and Macy contemplated how to best build their lives anew to defeat the forces of evil. For, Macy told herself, tomorrow would be a better day.

Three Weeks, Next Morning, 8 am, Autumn 1994, Basement, Biochemistry Building to Office

The crow wheedled its way through an open slat, escaping the October gusts threatening to pummel the creature against the needling branches of the gnarled oak tree. Brushing its feathers as one might do a dusty jacket, the bird surveyed its miasmic surroundings—a dank basement filled with forgotten test tubes—its aviary shadows becoming humanoid once more. Upon transformation, she tied her silvery hair in a bun, donned her lab coat and shoes, and glided soundlessly down the darkened hall to her upstairs office, a veritable closet adjoining the windowed university biochemistry laboratory.

8:30 am, Autumn 1994, Biochemistry Office

Before she could take a sip of her chicory coffee, she heard a knock. Placing her mug atop a blackbird-themed coaster, she strode the short distance, opening the door to reveal a certain young witch whose hands, she noticed, were shaking ever-so-slightly against what she assumed was her CV (or resume, who knew what it was called these days...).

I've been expecting you.

Their eyes met as she stepped into the compact office space, which was oddly blackbird-themed and filled to the gills with bottled herbs and various smoking substances.

I know who you are.

Turning around, Macy gave a start at the older woman's piercing stare. "Um," she hesitated. "H-have we met before?"

You replaced my daughter.

"Well, in a matter of speaking...no. Though you do remind me of someone I used to know," the older woman replied, closing the door behind her.

8:34 am, Autumn 1994, Biochemistry Office

"Your office looks..." Macy's voice trailed off. Special? Eclectic? "...cool?"

"I'm assuming you came here for something other than my decorative style. What do you need?"

"Oh—right—yeah—um—" Macy handed the woman her resume. "I'm applying for a job with your laboratory—"

The older lady reached for her bifocals, staring down at Macy's list of admittedly spectacular qualifications. "We didn't post any openings—"

"Yeah," Macy took a deep breath, to avoid rambling. "I know—"

"And you're certainly overqualified—"

"Yes, I realize that—" Macy's fingers fumbled for the post-it note containing Maggie's interview spell.

"Oh, and don't bother, I've seen it all," the woman motioned to Macy's pocket containing her scrawled notes.

"Wait, what?" Now Macy was confused. "You're a—?"

The silver-haired woman nodded. "And a damn good one too, if I may toot my own horn."

8:50 am, Autumn 1994, Biochemistry Office

"Right, um..." she picked at her cuticles. This interview certainly wasn't going according to plan. Perhaps it could be salvaged? "I recently moved and I'd like to apply my skillset in your laboratory."

"What else?"

What else? Macy wracked her brain for ideas for the next couple of seconds. "Well...I pipette like a boss, run a tight ship, and have zero tolerance for disrespect."

"Hm, my kind of woman," the older woman walked around her, examining her closely before halting in her tracks. "Ok."


"You've got the job."

"I, uh, do?" Macy tilted her head, brow furrowed in disbelief. Was this really happening?

"Yes. I run a tight ship. Know it won't be easy. And I do my best to separate the wheat from the chaff, if you get my drift."

"Got it, doctor...?" Whoops, Macy, you didn't bother to figure out the lady's name? Really?

The older lady offered her hand. "The name's Cora. Cora Callahan."

9:45 am, Autumn 1994, Hallway to Ambient Lounge

The one downside to the biochemistry job was having to hike clear across campus at the wee hours of the morning. Despite that, she was glad to have renewed purpose in her life from a professional perspective, as she positively skipped down the dimmed cerulean hallway, uttering enchantments to re-enter the ambient lounge.

9:58 am, Autumn 1994, Ambient Lounge

"I assume the interview went well?" She heard a familiar British lilt. Harry. She dashed over, hugging him from behind.

"I got the job!"

"Oh Macy, that's splendid!" he exclaimed, turning around for a tenuous embrace, as he held a spatula, mid-way through frying eggs for a late breakfast.

10:15 am, Autumn 1994, Ambient Lounge

"Yeah...about that..." Macy began after they had both come down from their initial burst of joy. "There's good news and bad news. Which first?" as she dipped a forkful of egg into a bit of ketchup.

Harry mulled this over. "Good first, I do enjoy starting the day on a high note."

"Ok, so, good news: new job at lab so I can access more chemicals and solve this Scythe thing."

"And the bad news?"

"Well..." Macy paused. Was it bad news if the woman's last name was Callahan? Probably. "My boss' last name is Callahan—" as Harry's mouth dropped open, his fork clattering to the ground, picked up millimeters before thanks to her telekinesis.

10:20 am, Autumn 1994, Ambient Lounge

"Mace," he uttered cautiously. "I'd think twice before working for this Dr. Cora Callahan—"

"Harry, I get it, you're worried, but seriously, I got this—"

"The last time you dealt with a Callahan, your memory was erased several days straight and you almost died. I can't lose you again." His hand clasped hers. "Please, Macy, I'm begging you—"

It was downright infuriating, the way he coddled her sometimes. "Harry." She gave him a pointed look. "I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself—"

"But her family—" he interjected.

"Do you know Cora personally?" Macy asked as Harry shook her head.

"I have not yet had the misfortune, no—"

"So she could be different, right?"

"I highly doubt that—"

"Ok, but worst case scenario, I still need supplies to defeat Scythe, and the only location with enough magical biohazard material to do that is this lab."

Harry thought this over before replying. "Understood, love. But please, please, do be careful." He reached forward, kissing the top of Macy's forehead, silently stroking her curls as he inhaled her cinnamon-apple scent, wondering if he'd made a mistake in bringing her here.

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