Babysitter!Dally X Child! Reader

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A/N: So one of my best friends (horror-madness25 on tumblr) helped me with this idea and I thought it would be to see what would happen if I wrote Dally to have to babysit a kiddo reader! So here we go!

~ Dally Pov~

"Dally, you hate kids. Why are you babysitting?" You may be asking...Well, let me tell you how I got into this mess.
My sister has to work a super long shift and her sitter called out last minuet. Dad's not in the picture....Her only option for her kid, Y/N was me. That leads me to the current situation.

" Y/N please, stop screaming!" I exclaim to the screaming four year old.
"Unkew awwy!!!! Wu mean!" * Y/N yelled back to me. I had told them that they had to nap amd were not aloud to color on the walls, apparently that pissed the kid off. I rub my face with my hands and groan, "look, you are clearly tired, Y/N. Please stop fighting it and take your nap!"
I have no clue how my sister does this all the time! She is crazy! There was a knock at the door that even Y/N paused thier tantrum for. I answer the door to see Two-Bit looking at me in shock.
" you have a.... a kid?" Two gasps out.
"No, that crazy four year old is my sister's kid, Y/N and I am having problems.... They wont stop screaming their lungs out and will NOT take their scheduled nap." My hands find my face again as Two Bit makes his way over to little Y/N, crouching and smiling at them.
"we are going on a feild trip with uncle Dally and uncle Two Bit ok?" Two then picks the kid up and puts them on his hip, me grabbing their bags and sippy cup before we leave to head to the Curtis house hold.
The looks of surprise when I have Y/N's stuff and Two carrying them made me almost chuckle. "Its my sister's kid not mine or Two Bit's." I tell a very concerned looking Darry, who in turn sighs in relief. Y/N had at some point fallen asleep with thier head on Two Bit's shoulder and holding his Mickey Mouse shirt in their chubby toddler hand. I was just glad the four year old loose cannon was asleep. Annnnd I lied, they just woke up fussing again.
"What's wrong little darlin'?" Soda asks as he takes Y/N from Two, who went and got a beer and sat with Steve.

"Tummy huwt." little Y/N says with flushed cheeks. **
SodaPop digs through the diaper bag one handed while holding Y/N and finds some medicine while Ponyboy rushes to the stove and makes some chicken noodle soup for the kid. I feel kind of bad beause I am so horrible with kids and had no clue they were feeling sick. Darry told me not to beat myself up over it, having seen the look of shame cross my face and told me to go hold them. I sat on the couch and took Y/N from Soda, sticking the little toddler onto my lap and cuddling them to my chest. They played with my necklace as they sniffled with their little nose. I kiss Y/N on the top of the head and make a note to tell my sister that her child was in fact not feeling too well. Once they were fed the soup and medicine, Two put them between his legs on the floor and watched Mickey Mouse, Y/N was very happy and clapped as the animated mouse came across the small television screen.
Before I knew it, the nigh was over, Y/N was asleep cuddled into my arms on one couch and the guys were spread out asleep too. My sister knew if I wasn't at my place I was here, so she was probobly on her way over to pick up Y/N and I found myself starting to not mind the little rascal's company...Just don't tell anyone.

*Uncle Dally, you're mean
** Tummy hurts

A/N: This was my first time writing for the Outsiders, I hope You liked it!

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