Chapter One: The Beginning

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Hey guys its Serena with my first fanfic i dont know when updates will be maybe i will start off with once a week or whatever school is busy but i will try my best to update maybe there will be 2 updates during the week. Comment your feedback for this chapter! Now on with the story.


SERENA my older sister Lexi calls. What!! I yell back mum wants you to set up the table (us sisters Emily, Lexi and I are visting our parents in Doncaster for a couple weeks since my birthday its my birthday today July 23rd) Coming i reply. really i mumble to myself i have to set up the table on my birhday how fun! SUPRISE i hear as i reach the bottom of the stairs. oh my gosh i say as i see the beautifully decorated living room. Close your mouth it'll catch flies Emily replies i close my mouth and see a chocolate cake with one directions faces on it. I know im a 20 year old and still i wantd that on my cake ha dont judge me. Well what are we all waiting for lets eat cake i yell.


PRESENT TIME PRESENT TIME I yell like a 4 year old. First was a present from Emily beauty products of course from Lexi a new phone case and some jewelry (my family isnt the richest) and apperantly the best present from my parents. I open up the present and i see 3 envelopes the first one that was labled open up first was a paper that had writing on it that said be prepared for the next envelope i read outloud. I look over at my family and they all have ear plugs in. I open up the next envelope and its....... ONE DIRECTION TICKETS OMG I scream and attack my parents with hugs. Wait my mum says open th last envelope and it was 3 BACKSTAGE PASSES AND A 1 DAY HANG OUT WITH THEM OH MY CARROTS thank you soooo much i love y'all. I look on the tickets and were in the FRONT ROW!! and the concerts in 3 DAYS!! EMILY LEXI TIME TO GO SHOPPING!! Because obviously Lexi and Emily are coming wuth me I have 3 tickets. Im driving i call out SHOT GUN Lexi screams well i guess im stuck in the back Emily sarcastically pouts.


We arrive at the mall and immediately are hit with the cold air conditioning and bump into Emily or who i thought was Emily watch it i spat out Sorry love i hear someone say with a lovely british accent. I look up and see a man with a grey beanie a fake beard and a pair of raybands. Oh my gosh i say i thought you were my sister which i might add left me. Oh its alright love how rude of me my name Is Louis OMG I scream in my head thats louis tomlinson. Hello he says oh sorry i reply you spaced out darling oh... Well my name is Serena You're that guy from one direction right i whisper so nobody could hear and try to act as casually as i can. Yeah he said You a fan? Yeah actually my i got tickets and backstage passes and a one day hang out with all of you for my birthday. And whens your birthday? Today actually i came to the mall with my sisters to get stuff haha..... Well happy birthday love!! Louis says and hugs me. I mentally scream and say thank you. I should get going Louis says you should come ith me since its your birthday im sure the other lads would love to meet you just text your sisters and your parents that you went out with someone or something along those lines. Oh i dont know i dont want to be a burden... Oh no worries darling. Im just about to pick up Nandos and head to me and Harrys flat i woulld love if you could join us. OKay i finally give in lets go....


BOYS IM HOME AND I GOT NANDOS Louis yells. Niall is he first to come (not a suprise there lel) WOAH Niall says What the boys say as the pile in the kitchen LOUIS GOT A GIRL Niall screams. Yeah so what i met her at the mall and its her birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY they say at the sme time. Thanks guys I Say.


I was walking out of the mall after going to topman and I am not paying attention to were i was going and i bump into someone shoot! she said watch it pretty harshly sorry love i replied because i felt bad. She looked confused and I said my name was Louis and she dazed off so i tried to get her attention by saying hello thankfully it worked and she whispered You're that guy from one direction she says as her eyes light up and she says that her name is Serena. What a unique name i thought to myself. She says she is coming to our concert in three days and has backstage passes. She also adds that she is one of the girls that is hanging out with us for the day. I ask her if she wants to come to harry and I's flat. At first she is a little bit hesitant but eventually agrees. On my way home and stop off at Nandos. When Serena and I arrive home I say that i am home and i brought nandos. and Niall of course being niall comes in first. However, when he does he gets wide eyes and screams loius gott a girl and the boys come rushing in and i tell them i met her at the mall and its her birthday today and i hear a chorus of happy birthdays and she whispers barley audible thank you.

So what did you guys think feedback?! Thanks love y'all~Serena

These chapters are short damnnn

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