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Centuries ago, the Empire of Atlantis sank deep into the Atlantic Ocean, never to be found again. An entire civilization drowned because of a cataclysmic night... But there was one survivor.

The Princess of Atlantis, Marinette, was no ordinary human. She had in her possession the Ladybug miraculous that put her in a magical coma. All those years, her body evolved and adapted to her new aquatic environment... She was now a mermaid.

When she woke up from her coma on a special night, Tikki's 5000th cycle, her wrath exploded and she made the promise to avenge her lost kingdom by killing the one responsible for this disaster: Chat Noir.

Chat Noir and Princess Justice became sworn enemies. Adrien and Marinette became friends. But love's never too late, right?


Marinette's POV

An eardrum-shattering hiss detonated inside my head. My entire body tensed and I started floating. Is this a dream? I opened my eyes slowly and realized I was under water. There were ruins of buildings on the ground and fishes swimming innocently around it. There was no sunlight, but I could see everything so clearly.

What the hell happened?

My body ached and begged me to stretch my arms, my neck, my torso, my legs... I looked down and gasped, and then immediately put my hands to my mouth.

Wait, I can breathe under water? And I have a fishtail? And I have some kind of weird night vision? Yup, definitely a dream.

"Princess Marinette!" A small voice called. It was my kwami, Tikki.

"Tikki! What's going on? Where am I?" I asked, confused.

"Y-you don't remember?" She asked softly.

I closed my eyes and dug inside my memories...

9600 B.C, The day Atlantis sank

My kingdom, Atlantis, was the most powerful empire on Earth. Every civilization from every corners of the world feared Atlantis and my mother, the Queen. Many even gave her the title "Queen of the World". There was only one empire that could dare challenge Atlantis: Athens.

My family heirloom was the Ladybug miraculous. It was passed down from Queen to Princess for as long as I can remember. Yes, our kingdom was matriarchal.

The royal family of Athens had the Black Cat miraculous. It was also passed down from King to Prince since the beginning of time. Legend says that our empires were destined to be rivals, since these were the two most powerful miraculous in the world.

One day, my mother was tired of fighting against Athens. She told me that deaths and hatred was not worth all the power, territory and money in the world. She talked to the King of Athens about a peace treaty between our two kingdoms. He agreed.

Atlantis was so happy to finally be at peace...

But it was all a ruse. On my coronation day, the happiest day of the kingdom, the Prince of Athens ravaged Atlantis with the biggest cataclysm I had ever seen. The Earth beneath us shattered and our city sank in the Atlantic Ocean.

In the midst of this destruction, my mother gave me the Ladybug miraculous. She knew that its magic would protect me from harm...

End of flashback

Tears formed inside my eyes. I opened them and contemplated the ruined buildings around me. Atlantis was once famous for its unique, majestic architecture. What was left now? Nothing.

And then it struck me: My mom, my dad, my friends, all died that day. I was the only one left. I was all alone. Nothing could ever relieve this loneliness - that terrible loneliness in which my shivering consciousness looked over the rim of my destroyed world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss.

I cried tears of confusion. Then, I cried tears of grief. Then, I cried tears of despair...

Then I cried tears of wrath. An inhumane scream came out of my lungs and destroyed whatever was left of Atlantis. There was now only dust and dead fish floating around me.

Then, I was numb.

Silence for an hour.

"Princess Marinette?" Tikki called with her sweet voice.

"The legend of the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous... The legend that says that if these two jewels were to be together, one wish could be granted. Is it true?" I asked, my voice deprived of emotions.

Tikki flinched at my lifelessness. "Y-yes, but there would be a price to pay" She replied.

"Then I shall revive my kingdom" I said solemnly.

I turned to my demolished city and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"As your Queen, I make you a promise... I will bring you back. All of you. I will get the Black Cat miraculous, even if it means swimming across the 7 seas or walking across the 7 continents of the Earth. Even if it means dying..." I thought.

I put my hands in a praying motion. "God Poseidon, please be with me during my quest and protect me from harm " I prayed.

"Marinette, think about this" Tikki begged. "This is not what your mother would've wanted"

"My mother was naive. I will not make the same mistakes again" I replied sadly. "Oh, and by the way, happy 5000th cycle, Tikki" I smiled at her.

"Thank you...?" She said hesitantly and I chuckled evilly.

"Time to go on Earth" I declared. I blew one last kiss towards Atlantis and swam in the direction of the land.

My body adapted to the sea pretty well. My fishtail allowed me to swim extremely fast. Hold on...

"Tikki, how do I turn back to my human form?" I asked as I swam.

"You're now 50% human 50% mermaid, you have the ability to mentally control your body as you wish. Basically, you just have to think about transforming back and that's it" She informed me. Simple enough.

A few minutes later, I didn't need my night vision anymore. This meant that I was close to my destination. The sunlight emerged above me, finally. Atlantis sank really, really, really deep because I've been swimming for over an hour.

It's been centuries - correction - millennia since my skin has been in contact with the sun. When my head popped out of the water, the warmth of the open air sent shivers through my spine. I stayed in a star position for a few minutes and eventually transformed back into my human self.

Breathe in, breathe out... The salty air felt so good inside my lungs. Breathing under water was weird... I was finally back in my real element.

The peace and quiet around me was interrupted by some voices coming from the shore.


So yeah, ever since the show revealed that Plagg destroyed Atlantis, I've really wanted to write a fanfiction about it... So here it is, I hope you will like it!!

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