4 - The Rise of Princess Justice

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So here's Marinette's plan to get Chat Noir's miraculous: She's going to broadcast a video throughout the entire city, asking for his miraculous. After all, Marinette doesn't want to cause collateral damage, she just wants to wish to revive her family and kingdom.

Hopefully, Chat Noir will give his miraculous up without a fight. If he has any knowledge about his powers, he knows that he can't defeat the Ladybug holder.

Since her arrival on land, Marinette was creating a detective board about Chat Noir: His accomplishments, his defeats, his strengths and weaknesses. There were a lot of articles about him on the Internet, which helped her investigation...


Marinette's POV

Today is the day my video will broadcast in all of Los Angeles. I felt nervous, excited and anxious at the same time. Tikki, on the other hand, has been silent since yesterday. As I was getting ready to go to school, I kept rambling about Chat Noir.

"I still can't believe how fake this Chat Noir is..." I scoffed to myself, because I knew that Tikki was barely listening.

"Acting all innocent and nice. Helping cops to arrest criminals, doing charity work, blablabla..." I kept going with an irritated tone.

"Clearly the entire city is wrapped around his finger and they have no idea about the miraculous magic" I snapped, as I fixed my uniform.

"I mean, anyone who has a clue knows that the Black Cat miraculous is evil. The power of destruction, I mean come on folks!" I continued, as I did my makeup.

For the first time since yesterday, Tikki spoke up. "Marinette, you don't even know him, what makes you think that he's evil?"

I looked at her in confusion. "Not you too, Tikki! Remember what we thought about Prince of Athens? It's all a diabolical ruse to get whatever he's really plotting. Cats are liars. Manipulators. I bet he hurts people in his free time..." I replied.

"And doing this makes you better?" Tikki scoffed bitterly, and I stopped moving. I put down my mascara.

"You know I would never actually hurt an innocent person. But if it comes down to it, I'm ready to do anything for my kingdom" I said solemnly and Tikki sighed in disappointment. I hated seeing my kwami like this, but I had to bear with it.

I put on my shoes and walked to school. As I walked down the street, a limousine stopped next to me. The window opened and saw Adrien.

"Wanna hop in?" He asked. I nodded. He opened the door and I got in.

There was an uncomfortable silence between us.

"Can I-" We both said at the same time, and we laughed nervously.

"Please, go ahead" He said.

"Adrien, I'm sorry for what I said at Luka's party. I don't have feelings for you and I don't want to kiss you. I was drunk, and as you get to know me, you will see that I'm reckless when drunk" I said firmly, and I swear I could see a hint of sadness on his face.

"Y-yeah, don't worry about it, really" He replied and looked down.

"What were you about to say?" I asked.

"Well..." He hesitated. "Chloe and I broke up"

I gasped in surprise. "Oh no, I'm so sorry! What happened?" I replied, putting a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"She cheated on me. I guess she never really loved me. But I'm fine, though" He said with a fake smile.

"You don't look fine... It's normal to feel sad when the girl you love doesn't love you back..." I replied sweetly.

The limousine stopped and we arrived at school. We thanked the driver and walked towards the main entrance. There, I saw Chloe and glared at her. She simply looked down, looking ashamed.

During our history class, we watched a video about Ancient Greece. I couldn't even feel angry at the Greek for what they did to me; I was way too nervous. My video was programmed to broadcast at 11am and it was 10:55am. 5 minutes later, the screen went black, and I gulped.

"There seems to be a technical error..." Miss Bustier said, trying to fix the computer.

Then, the video aired. I asked Tikki to modify my costume to look threatening, and I'm not gonna lie, I looked very evil.

I had a black mask that almost covered my entire face. I was wearing a black and red dress with gloves made of lace. My hair was midnight black, tied in two high buns. The scariest part? My eyes. They were red.

"People of Los Angeles..." I started on the screen, and everyone in the class looked scared and confused. I smirked in victory. I hadn't even started yet and they were afraid of me.

"My name is Princess Justice, and I am the holder of the Ladybug miraculous... What does that mean, some of you may ask? In short, that means that I am more powerful then Chat Noir..." I continued.

"Chat Noir, this is a message for you... You may think that the Ladybug miraculous is just a myth, since it disappeared so long ago. But don't underestimate me..." I scanned the room to look at people's reactions. Fear.

"I want your miraculous. And I will get it by any means necessary. Meet me on Pearl Beach tonight at 9pm. I'll be waiting for you... If you don't show up...."

"...I'll kill someone. Anyone" I said with a smirk, and the video cut. People gasped in fear. Even I had shivers, damn I looked mean.

Adrien's POV

My jaw clenched during Princess Justice's video. She looked and talked like a demon straight from hell. Was this some kind of sick prank? Could the Ladybug miraculous really exist, and be in the possession of someone so evil?

After the video aired, the government forced everyone to leave public premises and stay inside. All students and staff hurried to go back home. I transformed into Chat Noir and went to the news station. I had an announcement of my own.

"People of Los Angeles, this is Chat Noir. I promise you, I will never let this 'Princess Justice' hurt anyone. I will protect you" I said slowly and steadily, but my heart was racing. I took a deep breath and continued.

"She is NOT stronger than I am. Our miraculous are equally strong. But I have a message for you, Princess..." I paused and looked straight to the camera with angry eyes.

"Don't overestimate yourself, and don't underestimate ME. You have NO CLUE about the tricks and secret weapons I hide from the public" I threatened, thinking about Plagg's special powers and the miracle box in my possession.

A few hours later, the entire city was deserted. However, on social media, I saw many people standing up to Princess Justice and cheering me.

Around 8pm, I got ready to meet my new rival...

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