The origin

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I've confessed my love for Diane the serpent sin. But she ignored me and kept going towards Meliodas. I felt a wave of sadness crash over me. I look up and see Diane smiling with the captain in her hands. I turned away and zoomed off on the brink of tears.I thought the captain was my friend! But I guess you can only trust yourself in this world. "King where you going?" Meliodas shouts.I ignored him and kept flying faster and faster till I found this cave. I plopped down onto chastiefol and started balling.Than this feeling crashes over me I have no idea what it is. "What is this feeling" I ask myself. I hear a faint voice say "Its rage you're angry someone you thought of as a friend has stolen the last person you cared about out from underneath you. That same person was also buddies with the entity that took your sister and your home from you" "NO I refuse to believe that!" Suddenly a tall figure emerges from the shadows. I look up,the figure has a very strong magic presence.The figure tells me his name is Levi.Than he tells me to let my rage in and he'll take care of the rest. I ask him what he means by "take care of the rest". He ignores me and keeps telling me to let my rage in.But all of a sudden I felt like something was pushing up inside of me. I tried to resist but it kept pushing up. Levi was smirking when he said "Thats it let it in.Think of everything bad that's happened to you.How unfair your life is." I started to get extremely angry.I shouted out in a fit of rage "WHY DOES EVERYTHING BAD HAPPEN TO ME".Than all went silent.Levi got a big scary grin on his face and he then said "good boy" and snapped his fingers.And I was then being swarmed by a big black light until I was covered in a big black sphere. I emerged and all I could think about was revenge and the pain I went through. I looked around and Levi was gone. To be continued.

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