1. Investigation

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They are a bunch of rogues.

Having graduated from 'The Scandalous School of Scalawag.' a group of recent graduates decide to form their own thieves' group. Working loosely under the thief's guild in Westomere they have set up their main headquarters in the basement of 'The Fattened Pig Inn.' The owner enjoys the cut he gets from the gang and loves to regale his regulars with tall tales of their deeds.

The inn itself lies on the crest of a hill overlooking the Great Head river in the small market town of Oakscrest. The town lies just over a day's ride from Westomere and therefore just outside its jurisdiction. Occasionally the rulers of Westomere decide to try to collect taxes or impose new laws on the town. The citizens however are used to doing things their way and are willingly play along with these decrees, knowing full well that after a few months things will revert to normal and the taxes will go unpaid or the laws will go unchallenged, as the town is not significant enough to warrant attention.

The 'lair' is made up of one large room where they sleep, train and store loot. Although a basement it is well constructed and has several specialist features, including hidden escape routes, in case the new ruler of Westomere decides to take an interest in the town.

The gang is made up entirely of rouges, though many of them have chosen to take up a variety of specialisms to complement each other's skills.

Having worked together for almost a year the gang have taken on several successful jobs and made a fair profit along the way. Their most recent enterprise was to waylay a rich nobleman's carriage as it made its way between the Lords summer and winter estates. The journey it would take passed close to Oakscrest so the gang decided to impersonate a famous local highwayman who had been active in the area.

The job went well and soon afterwards the gang are returning to their hideout to count their loot and assess goods taken for value.

"At last we're home, Oakscrest looks just as fine as it did the first day we arrived." Chester 'The Chisel' scampered forwards to the bridge crossing the Great Head River. Always eager, the diminutive rock gnome's curiosity made him appear to constantly be in a rush to get to the next thing, his gaze shifting from one thing to the next as he tries to analyse everything in sight. He is a young-ish Gnome from a traditional Rock Gnome community. He has a passion for invention, plans, mechanisms and technology - hence his array of thieves', tinkers' and carpenters' tools. He's a jolly curious type at heart with a ready humour but can also apply his art's deceptive demeanour whenever necessary, fooling the innocent, and robbing the deserving - just for "giggles". He generally spends the money he wins (by cheating at cards or dice) on sourcing parts and then building new mechanisms - he would ideally like to make a breakthrough on building machines that Gnomes can fly in. His teacher back in the village had said that was too fanciful and he should focus on simple clocks and household items...That said, you wouldn't bet against Chester- he's got an uncanny knack of coming out on top with that big brain of his- and maybe he'll build that machine and fly off into the sunset- one day!

But why the Scalawags?

Well, they say curiosity killed the cat, and it nearly did for this gnome. Seeking adventure and patronage for his machines (and getting away from his annoying "we know better" family), Chester fell in with bad company. He was a tad too trusting in those early days, accepted tools, parts and money that he shouldn't. And before he knew it, there was debt and only one clear way of getting out of it...Yes, he has now applied his (master) mind and (mixed success) mechanisms - to CRIME! "Come on Verigar, not far for your old legs to go now, just over the bridge and were home!"

"Alright Chester, we can take our time, the 'Pig' is not going anywhere. Hey Mole, how much do you think the haul is worth it looks pretty heavy." Verigar kept up his slow and steady pace as he turned to his elven companion.

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