A rough day

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Aleena's P.O.V

(Btw guys, I hate when people put in pictures for characters, as I like to imagine how they look in my mind. It adds more fun in my opinion, so tell me if yall want pictures or not. Oh and thank you lots for reading.)  

Text copyright © -PEACEFORPALI 2020

Please Note that this is my book, I wrote it an dhave full authority over it. Thiis may not be used by anyone unless it is quotes for a book review. Please report anyone who has copied this book. These rights belong to me, and it would hurt a lot if anyone copied my stuff. Thanks.

Location of all this: Oakland, California.

*Alarm ringing*

God damn, it's already morning. I swear I haven't even slept a complete 5 hours. LSAT prep is getting too comfortable with fucking me up. Come on Aleena, wake up. You need to do a lot. Maybe one more minute, yeah, that wouldn't hurt?

*Eyes shut*

Wow, that felt good, 5 minutes of extra sleep really does a lot, doesn't it. Hold on! What time is it? *checks phone* Oh shit! It is 8:30, I completely missed my tutoring time. Good going Aleena.

I got up, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and brushed my hair. I put it into a high ponytail and applied some mascara and concealer. Then I put some vaseline on my lips and called it a "look". I put on my high wasted ripped jeans and white Stanford sweater. I put on some Adidas and decided to just buy breakfast on my way to Jocelyn's house.

I pulled up to Starbucks and got an iced green tea latte, as well as a birthday flavored cake pop. I then pulled out of the drive-thru and headed towards Jocelyn's. She told me to pull up because she had somewhere she wanted to go and wanted me to help her prep or whatever. I honestly don't care, but she is like a sister to me so I wouldn't actually tell her that. I care too much about her. While I drive, I might as well tell you all a bit about myself.

My name is Aleena, I am Arab. I had a terrible childhood, just lots of abuse from my mother and a father I never knew. I grew up in a conservative ass house, and so my high school experience was absolutely shit. I couldn't even attend prom because it was boys and girls. I did work my ass off in volleyball all four years, and managed to get a partial scholarship to Stanford, and took out some loans. I also had all A's and B's since my dream has always been to be a defense attorney for low-income families. I know too well that people with low income, normally get trash lawyers so they end up getting unreasonable sentences or falsely convicted. I know that the U.S had a fucked up incarceration system and I want to do my part to help the less fortunate and racial minorities. After getting a bachelor's in criminal justice and political science, I took a year off to study for my LSAT. So yeah, right now I am at the beginning of studying for the LSAT and am hella stressed. There is so much more to say, but I arrived at Jocelyn's so that's it for now.

5 hours later

"Please, please come with me! I promise it will be mad fun and you deserve to get a little break." Jocelyn argued.

"Jocelyn, you know damn well I hate public confrontation, so why would I go to a club full of humans? Literally, cubs are for socializing, and that is something I despise." I replied.

"Please Aleena, I will pay for your next tutoring session. Promise." Jocelyn told me.

Money is running short, and I guess it wouldn't hurt to meet new people and get a couple of pics for Instagram.

"Alright deal. But I choose what to wear, and you let me drive on my own so that I can leave if it gets too uncomfortable."

"Yesss!!!! I am so happy, girl comes on get dressed!" Jocelyn said excitedly.

I dressed in a  long-sleeved, body con dress, with some Nike airs, I curled my hair and put on matt lipstick and mascara. That was all I was gonna do, call it boring if you want, I don't care.

(Not her body btw, just the dress style and color

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(Not her body btw, just the dress style and color.)

I pulled up to the club at around 11:30 and got inside to meet Jocelyn. I couldn't find her. She just texted me and said she got pulled over by the cops and she would be there in 40 minutes. God damn, what the-? I took a seat at the bar but asked for water. I don't drink, ever.

A tall, bulky, weed-infested man approached me, normally I wouldn't be too alarmed but something about his eyes just threw me off. I started getting uncomfortable, so I did what I always do, write in my notes app, and act like I am texting someone. God, I wish Jocelyn would just be here already.

"Nice dress, hugs the fat real well, I almost thought you were attractive."

"Excuse me?"

"What? What are you drinking anyway? Looks boring, here come with me."

He started pulling my arms, his fingernails cut into them, and I resisted. I did what I trained myself to do in any situation like this, I kicked him between the legs, then bit his arm.

"You bitch, Ima fuck you up. Who do you think you are?"

This dumbass started pulling my hair and picked up my glass of water, he held it over my head and threatened to throw it on top of my head. Now I am no doctor, but I am sure if he did that I would feel pain. So, all I did was look at him, anxiously anticipating his next move. I can't call for help because he may hurt me, and the club is dark and full, so nobody sees what is going on. The bartender is tending to other people, nobody notices me. That's why I hate the club, not because nobody notices me, but because it's a playground for an asshole like this dude.

"Haha, so what are you gonna do now? Maybe I should get right to the fun."

I saw another man, tall, muscular, dark skin, with dark brown eyes, and he made direct eye contact with me. He asked me with his eyes if I needed help. I nodded. He got up and started walking towards the man, took the glass out of his hand, and punched him in the face.

"Oww! What the fuck man? Who even are you?" said the dumbass while touching his nose, checking for blood.

"That's for me to know, and you to wonder. Get the fuck out of her face or I'll make sure you don't have a hand to threaten her with in the first place."

He ran away. The muscular dude turned towards me. Oh shit, I suck at speaking to strangers. Small talk is a dread of mine.

"You okay? Did he hurt you?" the stranger said.

"Yeah I am, thank you."

He looked straight at my cuts on my arm and frowned.

"He did that, didn't he? Your not "okay", can I help?"

"No, I am fine. I can handle it on my own. Ima leave soon anyway, but thank you a lot."

"No need to thank me, didn't get your name?"

"Aleena, you?"


With that, he walked away, and I made my way to my car. I turned on "Happiness over Everything" by Jhene Aiko and just drove back to my apartment. After calling Jocelyn to tell her where I am at, and make sure she is safe, I thought back to Malik. Something about him gave off that he has more than meets the eye. And I know that is obvious since he is a stranger, but I think it is something really major. I don't know, I am just really big on vibes, and I can't really figure his vibe out.

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