The Home

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"Have fun boys! Don't stay up too late!"

"Thanks mum!" One of them said, His bright smile seemed to light up his dark hair.

"We got it, Tubbo's mum." The other replied with a wave, the sunlight causing his straw coloured hair to shine as the car sped off, back into civilization. He turned to his friend.

"Tell me again why you never said anything about a family cabin?"

"Aren't I allowed to have secrets Tommy?" Tubbo laughed. "I bet you have a few."

"Well, yeah but--" He started as they begin walking up the steps of the house, feet landing on the wooden steps with a hard and satisfying thud. "Can't believe you can just... come up here. To the woods."

"Not really." the other replied, taking the key ring out of his jean pocket and fumbling with the lock.

"What do you mean, 'not really'? What's stopping you from coming up here?"

"Well..." Tubbo trailed off, as the lock finally clicks. "We just finished renovating it a few weeks ago. It was my great uncle's see, but he didn't really use this place? So he rented it out to people who wanted it. Like those AirBnB things?"

"Oh yeah?" Tommy opened the door before his friend could protest. "Then what happen-- woah."

The boys took a step in, bags jangling as they took in their surroundings. The colorful and simple plush chairs, the unlit fireplace. The two pairs of bunk beds lining against the wall. The short coffee table, small enough to be a foot rest.

Perhaps to the ordinary onlooker, it was nothing special. But to these boys who've only ever known the city, it was new. And it was wonderful.

"He died." The shorter boy deadpans, continuing their previous conversation, and Tommy spun around, eyes wide. Tubbo cackled.

"Your face! Ooh, I got you there."

"So he didn't die."

"No, he died. Like last year. Not here though." He put his bags down and stretched. "Like I said, he barely ever used this place."

"Oh, I'm... Sorry Tubbo." Tommy went quiet, unsure what to say.

"No no!" His companion said brightly. "I never met him. From what my dad says, he wasn't that interesting either. He did... maths."

Tommy howled with laughter, his dark mood suddenly gone.

"'Maths'? Really?"

"What?" Tubbo shrugged. "It was something with numbers. He did math things. But yeah, we had to fix it up a bit, because it was all burned. I think the locals said there was a forest fire or something a while back."

"Well, there better not be one while we're around!" The taller boy laughed, rushing up the stairs. "Come on! Race you to the bedrooms!"

"Tommy, we're not even kids anymo-- Hey! That's cheating!" The other shouted, picking up his bag and running after him.

The glee and the excitement from these inseparable friends seemed to bubble up and spread throughout the stale and lonely air of the house as they began to unpack their belongings. It was the sound of life, the sound of music, the sound of the playful natures that all young children have.

And slowly, from underneath the foundations, old bones began to stir awake. Slowly, old artifacts began to open their eyes.

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