Special Chapter 4*

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Y/N watched the fight, eyeing the criminals locked in their battle. Once one was killed, the other raised his sword in victory. I looked over at Octavia, well, Blodreina. She waved him off, telling him that he would live. Wonkru cheered loudly, but Y/N stayed quiet.

The next round of criminals came up, and in this round, was her adoptive Uncle Marcus walk up. Y/N was the only person, except Marcus and Abby, that knew he was innocent, and it was Abby who had stolen the drugs. Y/N knew there was nothing they could do. The battle went on, fighting until only Marcus was left. And he refused to fight. Blodreina stood from her throne, walking down towards the fighting pits. The guard opened the cage, Octavia drawing out her sword.

Y/N thought back to Bellamy every time she did this. What would he think of his sister? What she became. She drew her sword back, Y/N preparing for his death, then the roof started to cave in. A man on a zipline started coming down, landing. He looked around, a smile automatically coming onto Y/N's face as soon as they saw his face.

"Bellamy," Y/N whispered, making her way down. She watched the Blakes hug,

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