chapter 1

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since moving in with y/n, marionette, and t-bon, life has definitely been very different. there's so much that i didn't know about. i didn't even know what a house was, let alone an apartment. our apartment is on one of the higher floors of the buildings, with three bedrooms and a gorgeous city view. i like to sit and watch the sky change colors at night on my days off. it's mesmerizing.

marinette and t-bon share a room together. a month after we moved in and had our living arrangements, they're practically inseparable. sometimes one of them will be on their own, i'll see them pass by my room in the hallway, but shortly after they'll return to the room where the other one is.

i have my own room, and so does y/n. all four of us are sort of like a family now. we eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. we all have our own jobs though, so that really only happens on weekends. y/n works as a coffee shops, they're the one that comes home last since their shift is so long. t-bon writes music and posts videos online, sometimes she performs at restaurants. you can imagine how inconsistent her hours are. marionette works at a rock shop as a tarot reader - i don't know too much about that. for majority of the week i don't have too much work to do, just record some videos. and on weekends i work at a club as a stripper.

t-bon was actually the one who found the job for me. she said that she thought it would be a "perfect job" for me. and as much as i love my job, and love the amount of relaxation time i have— some days are difficult. and some days i wish i didn't have the job i have. my scar from what i did at the pizzeria sometimes gets me less costumers; which means less money.
thankfully i don't have work tonight.

i check my phone, the time being 18:09. y/n gets off their shift in about 20 minutes. marionette and t-bon have already been home, so i knock on their door to see if they're up for anything.

"hey girls, you busy?" i say through the door, lightly knocking.

"noooo, why?" t-bon yawns in between her words.

i guess they we're napping, i thought.

i open the door to their pink-lit room. the two girls entangled in bed together, t-bon laying on top of marionette and playing a game on her phone.

"what's up, berry?" t-bon smiles at me. she calls me berry since apparently i look like a "human embodiment of a strawberry" as she says.

"wanna go out for dinner tonight? maybe we can surprise y/n since they always work the latest. i was thinking the dine-in across the street. maybe go shopping or something after. how about it?" i ask, plopping myself down on the floor, leaning my back against the wall.

"oh my god, can we go see this one shitty comedy i saw online the other day? it's so stupid, but like, it could be hilariously stupid." marionette tells us excitedly, typing in her phone to show us the trailer of this movie she wants to see. "look how stupid it is! who would let this be produced?" she laughs, playing the trailer for us.

"what the fuck is that marionette? you want us to spend money on that?" i started laughing too.

"duh! and dude maybe we can go to one of those big arcades after. pleeeaaassseee?" she begs, playfully pouting at both me and t-bon for our approval.

"okay, okay," i check my phone again for it to say 18:20. "shit! okay they're gonna be home in like 10-15 minutes. we should get ready." i tell them, tucking my phone in my pockets.

heading back to my room, i text y/n asking how work was going. i debated sending a heart after my message, but i still don't know if they feel the same way as i do. we tease and flirt every now and then, but i feel it's more jokingly than anything for them.

shaking off those thoughts, i change into some baggy pants and a cute tight cropped top. looking in the mirror to check how i look, i catch a glimpse of the scar on my arm. i trail my fingers over it lightly, feeling the bumps of the letters under my cold fingertips. sighing, i shook my hands out, moving away from the mirror to put on some bracelets and a necklace to distract any viewing eyes away from my arm.

soon enough, i heard the creaking of the front door opening and closing. without thinking, i jumped up and sprinted out of my room, jumping onto y/n and accidentally knocking them over. their keys and things falling to the wooden floor.

"y/n! y/n! welcome hoooome!" i shout, giggling while ruffling their hair.

"pft hello mangle." they chuckled, lifting my hips to scoot out from under me. "thank you for the greeting, gorgeous." they winked at me when standing back up, lending me hand.

i shook my head to hopefully make the heat in my cheeks go away.

"asshole." i laugh, refusing his hand and getting up on my own. "giirrrlllsss! y/n's home!" i yell, putting my hands to cup around my mouth.

"the love birds are home?" they said, setting down their things on the island counter in the kitchen.

"yeah, of course they are. they're always home before us. probably having sex or something." i joked, though i'm pretty positive that's something that actually happens. thought they haven't said anything, we're pretty sure they're dating.

"oh shut up," t-bon laughed, coming out the hallway while a bashful marionette followed in her footsteps.

"you know it's true," i winked, lifting myself up to sit on the counter.

"okay, okay, okay, so y/n." i start.

"yes, beautiful?"

"okay first off, shut the hell up— and second of all, we're gonna go out for dinner tonight and go to a movie, so either you're going in your uniform or you get your ass changed right now." i say, pointing and circling my finger at their uniform as i talked.

"alright, alright." they say, putting their hands up in a surrender pose. "i'll go, i'll go."

a few minutes later they come back out wearing a t-shirt and some jeans and a ripped jean-jacket. i guess i spent a little too long staring because t-bon tapped on my shoulder asking if i was okay.

"yeah, yeah. let's go."

this is gonna be a long night.

a love for pink | mangle x reader 【 SEQUEL TO "FEMALE FNAF X MALE READER" 】Where stories live. Discover now