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I just couldn't keep a straight face as she kept calling names that amused me.Her sexy mouth kept rambling while she fidgeted with her hands. I seem to make her nervous and damn does she look cute.No one had ever been able to crack me up like that.

"Damn I think you just boost my ego more that I needed little Cammy" I couldn't stop smiling while her cheeks turned to a shade of pink while she bit her lip. How I wish to taste those pink lips. Hmm how about I played with her just a little bit..
"Dont bit your lip like that its distracting " I said while I ran my thumb on her lower lip and released it from her tooth.Fuck now I'm the one who's getting hot and bothered from her.

"Well dont run your hand through your hair like that its distracting " she blurted out and as soon as she did she placed a hand on her mouth, to say that I was taken aback does not even suffice it..I never imagine that her cheeks could get any pink but it seems I was wrong she was now full out red and fuck doesn't she look cute.

I placed my hand around her waist and pulled her towards my body. Damn she fit just perfect well due to my height 6'5 I towered over her.. she let out a Yelp and I leaned to her ear and whispered
"If only I could Fuck you" her breath was now coming out laboured and I decided that I can't control myself anymore I kissed her on the cheek and finished "my little Cammy" slowly i let her go while she found her footing and I winked at her then left..

I didn't know why I was so attracted to that feisty little woman. damn she is trouble.. I can't get mixed up with her I can't ruin her.When I reached at the bottom of the stairs as usual Caleb, Brandon,Brian were waiting for me .
"Hey man are you gonna drop by at the party tonight. There's gonna be a race." Caleb said
"Yeah let me go and freshen up then I'll meet you guys there" I said while I hopped on to my bike. "And you pussies better know that I am gonna whoop your asses at the race "
Caleb barked out a laugh while I drove off.

What the hell just happened.Did I just seriously pointed out blank out that he is hot and I am attracted to him.Fuck Camilla you have a boyfriend. Why can't I keep my mouth shut sometimes.  And his kiss wow I have never felt this much sparks from a kiss and worse from the cheek.what if he kissed me on the lips that would ,, no no no Cammy you wont ,you can't kiss him that's not fair to Damian. I  kept rumbling to myself while I walked to my locker.

Suddenly my phone started ringing , I  pulled it out from my backpack.."Cam are you lost or something "Natasha asked all worried.
"Yeah but I figured it out , I'll be there in a minute" I couldn't tell her what happened I can't embarrass myself again. I quickly ran out to the front gate and again I bump into someone and this time around I hit the floor.
"WATCH IT, ARE YOU BLIND OR SOMETHING!" The girl hissed..well I looked up to see non other that the stupid bitch dont I have the best luck in the world or what.
I quickly got up and hissed with the same tone "don't yell at me it was an accident ,I was to say sorry but since you want to be a bitch about it go to hell"
"Who the hell do you think you are..Listen here new girl just because you are a Kardashian doesn't mean shit so get the fuck out of my way or I'll ruin you..Let's go girls"
Well that went well , first day and I just made an enemy world record..while I huffed and puffed the girls made their way towards me..
"What happened we just heard that you got into trouble with the queen bitch, no offense Kendal" Celine asked
"Non taken, even though she is my sister she's a bitch" replied Kendal
"Nothing big I just bumped into her and she made it a big of a deal but I'm cool."
"Ok, Harry's here to pick us up.." natasha said.
"Wait before we go are you guys coming to Brandon's party's tonight,"Kendall asked
"I dont think I can afford to go to a party right now ,I have so much school work to catch up on"I replied. listen I love parties ,I'm all about partying hard and all that while your still young but I need to catch up ,I've been ignoring school because of my dads death but I can't anymore.
"Come on Cam, we have a two week holiday remember and its after the end of this week, it's a national holiday you can do the work then..its the hottest party of the year come on and we can let Kendal all by herself she will literally piss her pants in front of Brandon. Please" said Natasha with a pouting face.
I started laughing because of the face she just made.
"Seriously you need to work on your pout face its terrible and ok we'll go but  you have to pick out a nice out for me."I said with a giggle .
We made plans on how we will pick each other up then we all departed our separate ways.

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