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I couldn't look at Shean, I was embarrassed and disgusted with myself. Damian would definitely hate me, fuck I hate me right now. I can't do this.I need to leave.As soon as I turn to leave Shean grabs my hand.
"Stop" he whispers.
"No Shean, I'm sorry for saying that.Its not in my place to be angry. And fuck I have a boyfriend so this, whatever I am feeling is wrong.God Damian will hate me,you hate me I'm just messing everything up. I just ca..." my words were muffled by Shean.

He's kissing me.At first I was shocked and stood stiff and as soon as I realized what was happening I couldn't stop myself..My hands wrapped around his neck .His lips, mmh his lips are so soft.Shean bit my bottom lip softly and with that I let out a moan.He then entered his tongue and I was a goner..Our tongues both twisted and fought for dominance and soon I let him win coz God knows that everything in me wanted to submit to him.The kiss that started as slow and sweet soon turned to be sexual and hot. We broke apart to take a breather and Shean grabbed my ass and carried me.Out of instinct I wrapped my legs around his waist. The sexual tension I was feeling was so high that I didn't even notice that he had sat at a lounge couch while I straddled his waist..Shean started nibbling my earlobe which was ticklish so I squirmed which caused my aching pussy to ride on his package..eventhough we were both dressed the friction caused me to moan..

"You are so sexy babygirl" he grunted in  my ear which caused me to rub on him more.
"Fuck Shean."I whimpered kissing him with so much emotion.I was gonna regret this tomorrow but fuck it, we've come this far. Shean removed my top as he kissed my neck, making his way to my cleavage.He unclasped my bra and my nipples puckered at the cool breeze.
"Fuck baby girl your killing me" he dove right in and licked my nipples and the sensation I got was too much.I arched my back as he sucked on my nipple while his other hand teased my other nipple.I felt my body light up as I continued to grind myself on him needing to relieve myself.
"Shean baby please,"I dont even know what i was begging for but Shean knew what i was asking for.He open my trousers button and slid the trousers down with my help. He began rubbing my clit without removing my underwear.I Thought him licking my nipples was killing but boy oh boy the fabric rubbing on my clit and his mouth  on my nipples was lighting me up.
"Oh God "I groaned.Shean grunted and tore off my panties. He rubbed his fingers around my folds..I screwed my eyes shut and threw my head back and let out a silent moan.My Mysterious hot man took this as an invitation to enter me with one finger, I  couldn't take the emotions that I was feeling..They were all in a jumbo.He added another finger and fuck that stretched me out..
"You are so tight baby girl" his voice was so thick in lust that it only added to the fuel.He curved his finger and hit a spot that made my toes curl in ecstasy.
"Baby I'm gonna cu.." I couldn't finish what I was saying coz everything was heightened the feeling was too much..
"Cum for me baby girl," Shean whispered to my ear and that was everything to get me to the finish line.
"Sheeeaaannnn" I came while screaming his name. Wave after wave of orgasms rolled off of me and Shean seemed to fuck me with his fingers until I was spent..I collapsed on the crook of his neck trying to get my breath back to normal.

Shean kissed my neck for i dont know how long until he broke the silence that had descended us.
"You called me baby" Shean whispered to my ear and I blushed at his words hiding my face at the crook of his neck.
"And you tore my panties" I replied with a whisper still not looking at him..
"They were in my way "he nibbled at my ear.
"Shean that tickles" I giggled.
"I like it better when you call me baby" he mocked.
"And I like it better when you call me baby girl" I playfully retorted
"Mmmh"he hummed while he peppered kisses all over my face and soon we were back to kissing.
This kiss held so much emotion it was so passionate and slow and full of emotion that it scared me.No one has ever kissed me like that.
"Tell me baby girl"
"What are we doing "
"We are kissing, dont tell me you dont know what we are doing" he smirked
I playfully hit his hard rock chest and replied
"No Shean, stop joking around.You have a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend this is wrong"
"For something that is wrong it feels so fun fucking tastick "he replied smiling..
God I loved his smile but he wasn't taking this serious enough and I was getting irritated
"Fine if you can't take this serious I'm leaving "I took my trouser from the ground and started to get dressed.
Shean was keenly looking at my every movement and every once in a while I would either bump my leg on something or hit my hand.
"You really are clumsy" he said with a chuckle.
"Yeah well that's one of my vices"i said with an annoyed look.
"You know what let me make it easy for you, this never happened.ok? Ok. Sorted" I said while I finished button up .
"Come here" shean pulled me towards him until my body was pressed up to his.
"No stop Shean.No you can't  do this to me.Let me go, please" I couldn't hold my emotions,  I felt defeated and tears were pricking my eyes but I wouldn't let them flow.
"You know I cant do that" he hugged me
"Why" I whispered
"Because, because shit listen Camila I'm really not good at expressing what I feel but I know I feel something for you.You intrigued me,Those blue eyes always captivate me,those lips, those pink pouty lips make me want to kiss and fuck it senseless. And I feel like shit because your not mine and I know we met today but I really care about" he looked at me straight in the eyes and I could see the truth behind them
"Baby girl I am not a good guy and I dont want you to get mixed up with the things I do.My world is not for you"
"So basically your saying I'm not good for you" I whimper..I dont even know why I'm behaving this sensitive why I'm so weak around him.
"Fuck no no no that's  not what I ment  it's the opposite " I didn't want to hear anything else. I threw my hands around his neck and kissed him like there's no tomorrow.I dont think I would ever get tired of his kisses.

"Umm what's going on here!"..........

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