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"Come here you demon child!"

A loud voice was heard through the trees. It wasn't threatening, instead quite the opposite. The words were followed by laughter from above.

A young blonde boy was seen sitting atop the trees. He looked to be around 15-16, and was laughing his ass off. He wore a red and white T shirt, and khaki cargo shorts.

Just beneath him was a taller man by a couple inches. He wore a long brown drench coat with black jeans. He looked tired, but nonetheless was smiling happily.


Now they were both laughing, although the one in the tree was much louder. It was the best laugh they had in a while, and the best laugh they would have for days to come.

"NO... please. don't leave me too.."
Quiet sobs could be heard from the bushes. The red shirt boy, curled up in a ball, was desperately trying to wipe the tears off his face. "I cant cry. I'm a big man." He forced out a soft chuckle. "Right?... Tubbo?"

It didn't work. Tears were falling down his red stained face. Blood was everywhere. His shirt, his face, the grass. The sun glowed a deep red hue as if mocking him.
"You loved looking at the sunset...
don't leave me. don't leave me.."


The one supposedly named 'Tubbo' was laid across the floor, a deep gash trailing down his chest. The one called 'Tommy' was sat beside him, futilely trying to stop the bleeding through tears and panicked breaths.

Tubbo looked at Tommy's face, and immediately burst into tears.

"I don't want to die,. Tommy.. I don't want to.."
Tubbo struggled to get his words out. His body felt like it was on fire. It was hard to breathe. He closed his mouth and stared into Tommy's puffed eyes. They shared their pain as the world fell silent.

Suddenly, Tommy pulled Tubbo into a slight hug. He muttered a few words just above a whisper so only Tubbo could hear. They filled with regret and guilt.

"Thank you... for being my friend."
"It was an honor."

Tubbo managed to get out a smile. It truly was a honor to be Tommy's friend, Tubbo thought. His lifeless body fell on the grass.

Goodbye Tommy.

Tommy let out a scream of agony. He came from an abusive foster home and Tubbo was the only one who helped him. Tubbo wasn't scared of him when he got angry or when his emotions took over. Tommy panted for air, digging his nails into the soil. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, but his body and mind had enough. His throat was burning. It hurt to talk. It hurt to breathe. The look in his eyes showed unbearable pain. He wanted this to be a dream. He wanted this to be over. He wished he was gone. He wished he could get revenge. Revenge. Revenge.

Tommy's body became still. All that could be heard was the slight chirping of crickets.

heh.. heheheh

Suddenly Tommy jolted up. His eyes completely black. Horns emerged from his head.

He let out a painful cry as his back was torn open. Dark maroon wings pushed themselves from his spine, tearing his flesh from within.

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