Chapter 5

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"Foodgasm," I moan, shoving the chocolate from our "sympathy baskets" into my mouth.  I think I'm alone, but Harrison is apparently behind me.

"Oh, my God," he says in a weird voice.  I turn around, which chocolate all over my mouth.

"Hey, back off!  You want to know my reasons?" Harrison turns red.

"Uh-huh, so shut up!" I say, turning back to my chocolate.  The doorbell rings and Harrison runs to get it while I rid my face of chocolate stains.  When I go into the living room, I see Jessy Marks.  In my fucking living room.  Why the hell is she in my living room?  Jessy smirks at me and sits on my couch.  On my cushion.

That bitch's gonna get it.

"Rah!" somebody behind me says, making me jump about ten feet in the air.  I turn around, hand raised, and see Ryan standing behind me, grinning like a weirdo.  I feel my ears go red and I huff.

"Ryan...Marks..." I grunt, but he just smiles away.  I roll my eyes and stalk back into the kitchen.  Secretly, I'm glad that nothing in our friendship has been affected by...previous events.  I sit on the counter and finish my chocolate while listening to Mrs. Marks.

"I hope this will help you two get by, Harrison.  Honestly, dear, I don't know how you do it," I hear her say kindly.  Mrs. Marks is the sweetest lady I've ever known.  

"Thanks, Mrs. Marks," I hear Harrison say.  "Do you mind if Ryan stays the night?  I'm sorry if it's a little late."  Geez.  So damn polite.

"Sure, dear.  Just have him call me when you're ready to get rid of him."  I go into the living room, wiping the chocolate from my mouth, to take the casserole from Harrison.  

"Jessy, do you want to stay, too?" Harrison offers, and I nearly drop the casserole.  Jessy flushes bright pink.

"  But thanks." Is all she's able to get out.  Harrison shrugs and hugs Mrs. Marks.  I do the same, exchange a glare with Jessy, and go back into the kitchen.  Again.

"Harrison, what the hell?" I ask after they leave.  He looks at me questioningly, and I sigh.  "It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Jessy and I aren't exactly friends."

Harrison pulls down some plates and doesn't say anything.  Ryan stares at me as I help myself to some casserole.



Ryan's voice jerks me out of my sleep.  I sit up fast and nearly slam into him.


"Let's go to the beach."  I look at the clock.  He's crazy.

"Ryan, it's two in the morning."  I reply, rolling my eyes.

"So?" I can hear the smile in his voice.  "Pull on some pants and let's go."  He leaves my room and I sigh, pushing off the covers and changing into some jeans and a different shirt.  I slide on my sandals and creep downstairs, being careful not to wake Harrison.  Ryan meets me at the bottom of the stairs and we sneak out the door.  It's cool out tonight.

"Why are we going to the beach?" I ask, and see Ryan shrug.

"I couldn't sleep and I wanted some company."  

"So, you woke me up," I say, aggravated.  Ryan chuckles faintly.

"Well, I can be myself with you," he replies quietly.  I feel the burn on my cheeks.

"Can't you do that with Harrison?" I ask.  We're almost to the beach.

"Well...sometimes.  But with certain things, no," Ryan says as we take off our shoes and step across the cool sand.  

"Ryan," I say, taking notice of the sign, "the beach is closed."  Ryan just smiles and keeps walking, so I follow him.  "With certain things?"

"Yeah...girls and stuff.  It's just...weird., you know?"

"No," I respond dully.  "I don't have any friends." 

"Really?" Ryan asks incredulously, and I shake my head.

"But, the house next door is for sale, and I'm hoping for the best." I say.  Ryan smiles again and tentatively takes my hand in his.  I look at the water, blushing again.

"What's that?" Ryan suddenly asks.  I look and see a small light in the distance.


"It's beach patrol!" He says and starts dragging me to the water.  The water.  I haven't tried controlling my tail for awhile.

"Ryan, no!" I protest in a hushed voice.  He looks at me and picks me up, dumping me in the water.

Ohh cliffie!!

Well, this is the fist author's note I left, but I need you to vote on Ryan and Ella's couple name!




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2013 ⏰

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