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It's a raining night, Link is standing outside of a gate, it looks like something is happening. Because over the gate Link is seeing smoke. He starts running toward the closed gate wandering how he's gonna get in, but then the gate starts to lower. Then once as the gate finally hits the ground, he hears horses racing. Wandering what's happening he walks closer to the gate and runs away immediately and then he stops to see what's happening, a white horse is with two people on it coming rushing bye him. The lady in front is wearing a pink and white dress, with a golden necklace around her neck, the other lady is wearing protective armor and blue tights. Then the lady in front with the white dress throughs a blue ocarina over and lands in the water that's surrounding the castle. Then another horse comes, though, this ones dark black and has battle armor on it, Link looks up and sees a man. Sitting on top of his horse he is a very dark green, he's wearing battle armor, like he was just fighting something. Link had the urge to stop the guy so Link ran toward him, but the man held out his hand and. Link felt a revolting pain hit his chest and the evil man laugh. Link wakes straight up to see that there is a blue ball of light with wings attached flying in front of him.

The hero of time (ocarina of time story)Where stories live. Discover now